The Worst Witness
As I remember, a character in this series was possibly the most incompetent crime witness ever on television. Since she was the victim her upset mental condition explains a lot, of course.
After being attacked, she correctly described her attacker as wearing medeieval-looking clothing, an obviusly important clue, of course.
But she forgot to mention one minor little detail of his appearance.
How often did that happen in real life during the 1990s? Not very often. How many times have you seen someone attacked by a person wearing a crown in fictional tv shows set in the 1990s? Not very often.
So the crown that her attacker wore was very imprtant clue to his itentity.
Does anyone remember the episode in which this happensd?
Does anyone rmember thename of her attacked? As a hint, he dide in 1314 according to the hisotry books, and was an enemyof an organization which was a precursor of hte Legacy organization.
The episode never explained if his evil spirt continued to be active after his death or if he gained immortality though evil sorcery and faked his death in 1314.