Frank totally out of character!!!
To all the fans of the show, sorry in advance. I mean no disrespect.
I have to admit, I'm NOT a Millenium fan, far from it. I watched a few episodes back in the late 90's, but I don't really remember much besides Lance. Of the many TV-shows and movies back then dealing with evil, killers, creepiness and main characters with special gifts it never stood out as anything special. To me it was like the show was trying to hard, and failed. And from reading through some of the posts here I see that the writers made all the classic Hollywood mstakes, introducing supernatural events (what, they ran out of serial killers? why can't they ever make a show about evilness without bringing in demons and devils?) lack of continuity and in all going too mauch away from the main plot. But I used to think that, hey, it's probably just me. I never liked the X-files either. But the last episode I ever saw made me think that it's not me, Millennium was really a crappy show(again, sorry) and I finally come to the subject, and I hope that, despite what I've said, that someone plz explain it for me.
I don't remember what the title of the episode was and I have no idea what season it was from either. Frank was working with this lady(who I don't remember the name of). They were at some mental institution because of some grotesque murderes and they suspected a copycat or something.(I clearly remember something about a sewered of hand in a soup bowl) This woman was driving alone at night(of course) withouth knowing that the killer was lurking behind the driver's seat*cough, cough, chliche, cough*. She stopped to fill gas in the middle of nowhere(where else) and the guy niticed the shimmer from the knife blade and told the woman to come in tot he station where he told her what danger she was in. Out of nowhere, Frank miraculously shows up and they both leave in a hurry, leaving the poor gas station worker to himself and his own fatal destiny. Not a sound is heard but a few seconds later we see blood from under the door. Sure it adds to the creepiness but CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY FRANK BLACK, EX-FBI PROFILER WITH A GIFT TO UNDERSTAND EVIL AND SOCIOPATHS JUST LEFT WITHOUTH GIVING THIS YOUNG MAN'S SAFETY AS MUCH AS A THOUGHT???? He, of all people should have known that the killer would whack the gas station worker, even I saw that coming. Or maybe he just didn't care. Doesn't sound like Frank tho. Tsk, tsk, bad writers, bad.