Favorite quotes?

"OK. Time to do it. *grin*" - Loin Like a Hunting Flame

"I've decided to take my stake in America, lay claim to my own peculiar heritage. The 'moron' is going to wander far and wide through the land and kill and kill and kill..." - Henry Dion, Paper Dove

"Some meat's useful, some meat ain't!" - Willie, Broken World

Because it's unintentionally funny to me: "I know I've got the power! It felt good what I did!" - Willie, Broken World

My favorite quote of all: "We live in a world where too many people won't go far enough, won't do what they know is right, what they believe. I don't know how or why it got this way but the world has become so complicated that to involve yourself in someone else's problems is to invite them needlessly on yourself." - Frank, The Well-Worn Lock

And this part of the post is just my signature.


My favorite is from Paper Heart. Frank seeks out some info from a group of FBI guys he appears to be acquainted with. They're asking him about the Millenium group and talk about what's causing the rising violence in the world. They ask if the world is coming to an end, one guy says something about how his wife thinks it's the genetic manipulations they do on the cows we eat.

They ask Frank what his take on it is, is something evil and bad on the horizon or what. He replies, "Let's put it this way, it ain't the meat"

I prob butchered that, if anyone knows the exact quote please correct me. It was so badass and awesome.


It's Paper Dove (Paper Hearts is XF season 4):

DEVLIN: Everybody's got a theory on the increasing violence in our society.

EMMERICH: My wife thinks it's the artificial hormones in beef.

DEVLIN [chuckles]: Seriously, is it true that some of your people think it's because of some greater evil out there?

KANE: Yeah, I mean, that sounds almost like a religious thing.

FRANK: Yeah, some people have that belief.

DEVLIN: What's your take?

FRANK: I don't think it's the beef.

I just love the way he says that.


Thanks. Butchered it about as badly as I figured I did haha.

