Season 3 vs X-Files Comparisons
I have been watching season 3 for some time, and the reason I bring up the X-Files feeling is due to the following reasons:
1. I have noticed Agent Hollis dresses like Agent Scully, and acts in the same manner as Scully, she must have gotten some of Gillian Andersons excess wardrobe that was not tailored right throughout her years on the X-Files.
2. Frank Black, like Agent Mulder, is conducting his own side investigation on a shadowy organization that is bigger than himself and may encompass the FBI and other parts of the Government. For Frank the Millenium group is part of the FBI due to ex-agents who still have ties to the Organization and have influence in the government contracting process. For Mulder, the shadowy MJ-12 organization existed within the government. Both had influence over the Governmental System and what to investigate or who to monitor. Both organization most likely had insiders and conducted cover-ups and promoted ideals to achieve their overall goals.
3. Both Organizations had a council of individuals that influenced decision making based on their goals, at the expense of Government resources, and both were fronted by a Point Man, in X-Files, it was the CSM in Millenium it was fronted by Peter Watts.
4. Both CSM and Peter Watts meet their end in the series, with both organizations falling apart.
5. Frank is a single Father, Scully was a single Mother.
6. Both Frank and Mulder leave the FBI.
7. Both Frank and Mulder have supervisors who down play the conspiracies happening under their watch due to Government Pressure from above, or they simply do not believe their agents and move them towards other assignments or dismiss them.
Those are the comparisons I can think of, however being a Chris Carter show, I expect some similarities, however there are way to many at the moment and to me season 3 seems like a darker version of X-Files. If you make Mulder a Consultant and have him come back to the FBI working in a diminished state, you basically have Frank Black in Season 3. To me, it looks like Chris Carter took the X-Files and revamped it to make it fit the Millenium story arc.