One. Watch the Millennium pilot. It not only sets the tone but it broke boundries. And it is still pretty jolting. Two, I never thought that the X-Files was thought out. The original episodes involved your basic monster/horror tropes and they did that nicely. I just had the feeling that Chris Carter never expected the damn thing to last long. Remember, it was a very early Fox show, almost all of which tanked whether or not they were any good. The X-Files was a break-out. I simply had the impression that Chris Carter had a huge hit on his hands that he really had no back story for it to start with, which meant cobbling together all kinds of crap. Which, really, he did rather well, except that, well, it was a bit of a mess. [David Lynch, you just learn to not expect that anything is going anywhere, just that the journey is what there is.] So, while I like the X-Files OK, they don't hold a candle to Millennuim. Which was not quite allowed to end. Uh, fully expecting some replies to this, so, hey, play nice people :)
Oh! You should watch this because it is awesome. Er, Lance H? Pilot has someone's mouth sewn up and then buried? A hustler? Horribly murdered prositutes? Rain in Seatlle? A pretty yellow house?
Seriously, this series is just way better than the X-Files. I'm not even going to mention the guy partially fried in a giant microwave. Nope. Not gonna mention that at all.