
You know they were many cartoon shows in the 90s that had great openings. The Real Adventures opening belong up there as one of the best. The Music was great the clips and it also made think about the original show. A very well done opening.


Totally agree! still gives me goosebumps!


The opening to this series was one of the best I have ever seen (or heard) for an animated show.
Hands down.

You think I am a devil, but only because I have lived in Hell


OMG, such happy memories with the show. I used to get really excited whenever the intro comes in, pumping up for the adventure Johnny's about to get into. Gawd, it was soo epic!

I really miss the show now...


Yes I love it. It's truly awesome!



The 90s isn't to be credited here, it's Hanna Barbera in general. From the start, no matter what level the show was at, no matter who ran the music part, those shows always had great themes, and this was true all the way to the end.

I refuse to argue on IMDB until the general populous actually uses their brains


Aside from being one of the BEST animated series ever, naturally it had in my opinion the BEST intro/theme music. Class all the way. I wish this series had lasted longer.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'
