Jonny Quest - Emile Hirsch
Dr. Quest - Liam Neeson
Alexandra Daddario as Jesse Bannon. I didn't know who Alexandra Daddario was, so I googled her and I find her absolutely gorgeous. She'd be a good Jesse.
Excellent choices
Daniel Craig as Race Bannon, I don't think he should have another action packed role next to the James Bond movies. The first actors that come to my mind are Matthew McConaughey and Josh Holloway
so, Race Bannon - Matthew McConaughey or Josh Holloway
Dev Patel as Hadji Singh, I just can't seem to like the guy, that's all. And, Dev looks like (and is) too young compared to Hirsch. Replacement?
Hadji Singh - Kunal Nayyar
And for my favorite villain, Ezekiel Rage: Jim Carrey