Vent About Spoilers

Members at other sites are not as good at posting "Spoiler Alerts" as most IMDB members are - this happened on another site, not here - I'm two episodes into the first series of BALLYKISSANGEL, and I joined a discussion group dedicated to the show; unfortunately, without warning, the very first open post I read revealed a MAJOR plot development in the third series, and now, after only two episodes, BALLYKISSANGEL has been completely ruined for me. I'm not sure I'll even finish watching Series One.

"Somewhere along the line the world has lost all of its standards and all of its taste."


Ouch! I knew about the event in series 3 half-way thru series 3.

I never look at boards or groups til I've finished a program. too many spoilers everywhere.



I would agree, continue watching the show, it's one of my favorites hands down. I too was not happy with how season 3 ends (and I guess I am being a hypocrite here as I have only seen and only own seasons 1-3) but you should not let that stop you from watching them.

If you like what you have seen so far, at least watch all of the first three seasons.


For God's sake keep watching. My family and I knew what was going to happen, but there was enough going on in those three series that I didn't worry about it. If you like having your heartstrings tugged, you will be well rewarded. A good story will survive any spoiler and the first 3 series of Ballykissangel is a great story.

By the way, my own opinion is that the fear of "spoilers" is overrated. No story, if it's good, is ever really ruined by knowing the ending. I mean, and this is just an example, just because we all know that Jesus dies on the cross doesn't mean the earlier episodes of his life shouldn't be read, or that knowing Private Ryan is saved doesn't mean the other parts of that story aren't going to be worth the view. Just my 2 cents.
