I don't know if i should post this here.typos
Look, I'm not that smart.
I've never done any thing remarkble, I'm a kid in a grown mans body.
I'll try to grow up, but it will take time and effort.
There's a horrible thing in life and it is that we are never happy with our selves.
The rich kids are mad since they didnt get there way once.
the pour kids are bumbed for reasons the rich wouldent think of,
there bumbed beacues they can't help any one, and they often beleve money talk's, That money can make a diffrence.
They won't it but are often happy in a way with out it, you allways find a way to work the town you live in, I mean I havent payed for my own smokes in six months!
The fat want to be thin, and the thin think there fat.
We try to think of things that matter, we see movies, listen to songs and play on the computer.
The faithless think death is the worst thing that can happin.
The faithfull often don't live there lives and contridicked them selves, while telling people how to live thier own lives.
And the people in between don't really get why Ither are like that.
The races of the world all fight, they can't see it for what it is, it's dumb.
The white race has many racist members, but the other races judge all of us for judging them years ago,
it's not right what we did and we should never forget about it but if we dwell on it peace will not happin.
If your black you do start out with a dissavantige, the many racist people controll many things and your rights are still being fought for.
But it's allso in many ways still changeble, I give you my generation , my friend was raised
to beleve that the white mans bad, he live untill he was eighteen beleving this, then he when to a school that was allmost all white
and he realized that his generation and the ones to come are no longer in the dark ages of that time, where neutral.
We see some one and he's a guy or a girl, not a black girl or a white guy, that still happins amoung some but
Him and I have seen our people and we are not off, or racist, where people!
I talked long and hard with him about it and we came to the conclusion that is our parents,
They give us the tools for life in the beginning, the white dad's sometimes say "don't trust black people! "and they feed them that thair hole lives.
The Black dad's say "Don't trust White men!", And THEY Feed them that there hole lives.
Asian Dad's say "Don't trust anyone but asians!" and they only trust there own race.
The other countrys hate us for many reasons and I'll bet thats one of them!
We are stupid when it come to racisisum, we allmost all want it to be no more, but then we do nothing to help,
when some one try's to talk about it everyone get's clamy and silent.
We worrie that they might thing we are racist, one of the biggest fears in this meadia drivin world is (at least as a white man) to be called a racist.
That's why nothing get's done, we won't talk.
I was going to attack everything and give my voice to it, but I've pretty much addressed the important things.
The point is we need to STOP!
If your fat your fat , if your thin your thin, if your dumb your dumb and your racist or not.
All that matters is that we change, I'm a white man, I was born and in a way raised white, I eat ranch dressing and white bread.
like every other one of the race's ancestors Those who came before me did some bad *beep*
and I don't only mean back when they owned people,I mean The *beep* White people have done for the last hundred years too.
What my dad's generation did was *beep* I try to not get pissed when people don't say anything about it.
I have seen every form of racism in book form, I don't know it!, But I know it's bad, like sticking a fork in the microwave, or
drinking drano, I know it's not right.
We need to stop thinking about it so damnd much.
People we need to heal!
Think I'm racist, that I don't know what i'm talking about, brush this off or open your closed mind and think about it from my stand point.
Am I saying I'm right, NO, am I saying I wrong?NO, an opinion is your personal belief, nothing more, nothing less.
If you don't listin to any thing but what you learnd from your folks, you will grow up and be them, and you'll do that to you kids, and they will do the same
and so on and so on, is there a point to this?
I don't know, will anyone read this, I don't know.
I type this from my heart and mind and to all who think I'm racist, we all are a little bit, everyone has pulled their eyes to the sides and said "Ching Chong Pang Ping!"As a joke.
I don't know if I want feed back from this, I don't know what will happin if I post this, will I get spamed with hate mail, never get a response or even get banned from this or any other sites???
The point is I don't care and I'm just tired of bull *beep* it's gone on long enough, and must stop.
But there is a glimmer of hope, I have a five year old and I watched her playing at school, She was playing with a indian kid, a black kid another white kid and a dissabled kid.
And they didnt even care, they saw their friends, nothing more nothing less.
I wish we could all do that.
They helped one another and played till the teacher told them play time was over, I have seen the only Future that can work.
No others will, I ask some thing of all who read this, please raise your kids with out this *beep* tell them where all the same, that only stupid people think we are diffrent.
And teach them to love one another.
And the rest will fall in to place.
Race peace back up plan, kill all parents and leave the kids change to world.
- Corey