Recycled role by Travolta

Have you seen the movie Mad City starring John Travolta? I thought it was sort of lazy that he basically played the same character he did in this movie. It was like he figured no one saw this flick (which not many did), so he reached back in the method acting grab bag. No big deal, just thought it was kind of strange.


Mad City came out 2 years after this.


I know, I meant recycled after WMB.



Yep, Sam Baily (Mad City) and Louis Pinnock (WMB) are practically the exact same person.

Same desperate, confused and indecisive blue-collar worker.

Same situation - laid off, poor, worker tries to get his job back but he's really about pay back and moral principles.

Same hottie blond wife.

Same weird little kid.



i was just thinking that. i saw this (wmb) movie years ago and then saw mad city. this whole time i thought i was watching the same movie. very confusing. i love the idea behind this movie though. i think using this same type of reverse idea with a new plot, etc. some oscars could be won. maybe not. but i like it.
