Minstrel shows (in the world of White Man's Burden)
Can you imagine what a minstrel show in THAT world would be like?
Can you imagine what a minstrel show in THAT world would be like?
something like a Larry the Cable Guy/Blue Collar TV routine, but without the right-wing commentary track, I'd imagine.
shareThey probably would have a version of a the movie "Bamboozled" about cultured performer and a street mime who go on a TV show in white face called "The Old Fashioned Mime Hour". White militants would shout "white face is a disgrace to the race. Quintin Tarantino, the great white urban film maker would have produced it.
Instead of "Amos and Andy" there would be "Married With Children" which would be attacked by white leaders for is negative depiction of family life in the Euro-American communty and its stereotyping of white men as lazy. They would cite "The Brady Bunch" as a positive depiction of white family life and compare it to mainstream black shows like "Bill Cosby"......There would be the urban country music and blue grass culture. On Fox Bill Okrona would often attack the influence the white ghetto blue grass lifestyle on the youth of America. He would point out you would neve see the clean cut rapers and hip-hop artists like Fifty Cents running around in sagging Levi's and singing about alcohol use, divorce and other disgusting things.
There also would be controversies about whitesploitation movies like Shaft; with Robert Redford (which almost happened in real life).
In politics John McCain runs as a white post-racial Presidential candidate after beating Oprah Winfrey in the Democratic primaries. He denounces his Democratic opponent, Barack Obama, as a continuation of the failed policies of the last eight years of the Jessie Jackson administration and American's want change. He wins becoming the first white President of the United States.
Joe the plumber is right.
Now . . . I'm intrigued.