Lot of Personality

Did you know the first personality used on SID was that of the programmer, Dr. Darrel Lindenmeyer? In the next version, version 1.2 two more personalities are added: Manson and Hitler. 1.3: Berkowitz. 1.4: Abu Nidal.


While we cannot be certain how many personalities were added in each version update, they ended with 6.7. In the movie world, it's just coincidence. But in our world, it was designed that way because 666 (the number synonomous with the Devil) rounded up is 670...or 6.7. SID 6.7


What's the deal? Are you the world's biggest Virtuosity fan or what?


I wish that the movie were some epic, like Indiana Jones, Star Wars, or Terminator. I don't mean this for the trilogy of them, but for the fact of how well done they were. I hate to demean anyone's work, but the movie, Virtuosity, was not the best and I blame this more for the director and screenwrite than any other.

So, I'm not the world's biggest Virtuosity fan, no, BUT I believe I'm the world's biggest SID 6.7 fan. I find the character to be ingeniously made and wasted on a script such as it was, for his concept is so incredible and complex that it was barely tapped into in the film.

If there are any more fans of SID's out there, or (surprisingly) of the movie itself or one of the other characters, I invite you to a Yahoo Groups board where we converse about many more aspects about the movie (well, more about SID himself). The address is...

