MovieChat Forums > Virtuosity (1995) Discussion > A critics review - Lets assess it . Do ...

A critics review - Lets assess it . Do we think it is fair?

A Film Review by James Berardinelli

United States, 1995
U.S. Availability: wide release 8/4/95
Running Length: 1:46
MPAA Classification: R (Violence, profanity, sexual situations)
Theatrical Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Cast: Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe, Kelly Lynch, William Forsythe, Stephen Spinella
Director: Brett Leonard
Producer: Gary Lucchesi
Screenplay: Eric Bernt
Cinematography: Gale Tattersall
Music: Christopher Young
U.S. Distributor: Paramount Pictures

A general rule of summer film watching is to beware any August release featuring a major star. The only reason for a distributor to hold back such a production is a lack of faith in the picture's ability to succeed in the highly-competitive early season, and that's usually an indication of a poor movie. Denzel Washington is a big box office draw, and Paramount's decision to strand his latest, Virtuosity, in the August marketplace isn't a vote of confidence. Their uncertainty is well- founded. About the best thing that can be said about Virtuosity is that it's director Brett Leonard's most impressive effort to date -- but considering that his previous features were the awful Lawnmower Man and Hideaway, such a statement is damning with faint praise. MY COMMENT: Ok so the director is targeted for the blame for the movie which for the record I actually enjoyed END COMMENT

The villain of the piece is Sid 6.7 (Russell Crowe), a "nanotech synthetic organism" with the combined personality of hundreds of serial killers. Somewhere in his programmed mind are the psyches of Hitler, Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, and the sadist responsible for the death of our hero's wife and daughter. That hero is ex-cop Parker Barnes (Washington), who's serving time behind bars because he shot a few innocent bystanders in his quest to exterminate his family's murderer. Now, through Sid 6.7, he gets a chance to redeem himself -- eliminate Sid and he can clear his record and his conscience.

The problem with this film is not the star. Despite slumming in a picture far below the quality of his normal fare, Washington is still the best thing about Virtuosity. MY COMMENT: I agree I think Denzel is a great actor END COMMENT In fact, he injects some much needed energy into the proceedings. Australian actor Russell Crowe is an adequate bad guy, although his Sid 6.7 lacks the vicious intensity with which Crowe imbued his Romper Stomper skinhead. MY COMMENT DO you think this is why he was offered the role because of his Romper Stomper performance which was brilliant END COMMENT Kelly Lynch, who plays Barnes' criminal psychologist partner, is dreadful -- and I'm not just talking about her hairdo. We could care less what happens to her character. At least we're spared a romance between her and Barnes.

Virtuosity's failing is its plot. What passes for a storyline is part recycled formula and part incomprehensible technobabble. The film blunders along, usually making very little sense, waiting for the next (of many) action scenes. Generally, these are well choreographed, even though they're familiar: car chases, rooftop fist-fights and shootouts, and a child-in-danger scenario. There's little in the way of originality. Virtual reality (where Sid gets his start before crossing into our world) is rapidly becoming an overused motion picture plot device.

As was true of Sandra Bullock in The Net, carrying Virtuosity falls on Washington's shoulders. For what it's worth, he makes the movie watchable. Ultimately, however, he has little to work with in this dreary, film-by-numbers flick -- even Ricochet offered more substance. Nevertheless, given Washington's presence and the promise of a virtual reality action story, Virtuosity has some appeal -- provided, of course, the viewers aren't selective.

© 1995 James Berardinelli



Well sometimes. I add my coments. Trying to stimulate some discussion is all


First, I'll stiffle my initial comment of "ouch!" because, as much of a fan of the movie as I am, I will admit that it could have been better. A lot better.

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a fan of the character, SID 6.7, who I feel is really the highlight of the movie. I think it's Crow who carries the movie on his shoulders, not Washington. It's my opinion that Parker Barnes is more of a cliche character than SID's. The crime of SID 6.7 is being part of the "computers are going to destroy the world" theme popular in the 1990's.

In regards to your commented question of whether or not Crowe got the role as a result of his performance in Romper Stomper: the correct answer is yes he did. It was this vitality that got him the part, but it was the voice of the studio as to how the part was to be played. The demanded him to play it "over the top" and to be "flamboyant" (I believe was their exact wording). While I'm not necessarily into gore or films with high body counts, to have a movie with SID calls for a lot more violence and master planning.

As for Madison Carter who was played by Kelly Lynch, her role was - as Jet magazine reported from interviews - to serve as sidekick AND to be a later romantic interest for Parker Barnes. It was Denzel Washington's decision to have this part be cut from the script, as it was his opinion that white males - the target audience for this film - didn't want to see that. Lynch, who disagreed, disappointingly found the parts cut from the script.


It was Denzel Washington's decision to have this part be cut from the script, as it was his opinion that white males - the target audience for this film - didn't want to see that. Lynch, who disagreed, disappointingly found the parts cut from the script.

- because she wanted to 'get it on' with Denzel???????!

The luck is gone, the brain is shot; but the LIQUOR - we still got!



I like this User Review that was on the main Virtuosity page just now:


Psycho on the loose, 17 September 2000

Author: stamper from The Netherlands

In this film the best actor is, no people not Denzel Washington, he is merely OK, but Cameron Crowe, he rocks. I don't just say that because now he is famous or so, but because it is true. He plays the psychopathic killer with such an extravaganza it will make you smile (at least it made me smile). His games his funny psycho laughs and his mental behaviour are really believable. The film is carried by him and it stands and falls with him. Therefore the film is pretty good, up until the ending, which is in my opinion not thrilling enough. You do not really sit on the edge of your seat anymore, as you have done a whole time throughout the film. The ending really fu.ks up this otherwise pretty good film. What a pity.




but Cameron Crowe, he rocks

Cameron Crowe isn't IN this movie. Russell Crowe.

I have a low tolerance for Idiots


I think that's the point

The great state of Vermont will not apologize for its cheese!
