MovieChat Forums > The Usual Suspects (1995) Discussion > Can someone explain a line for me, pleas...

Can someone explain a line for me, please.....

I've seen this movie many, many times. So many that I pretty much have it memorized. That being said, I've never understood what Kobayashi meant when he said "We'll add them to the cost of Mr. Fenster" about the two bodyguards that were killed in the elevator.



The reason given for their being selected was that they had all stolen from or cheated Keyser Soze at some time and so were being made to carry out this job as a way of paying off their debts. With Fenster already dead, Kobayashi was telling them that the bodyguards' deaths would be added to his account rather than to theirs.


Kobayashi was saying that since he killed Fenster, (or someone that works for Söze) he would forget about them killing his guards, because he "owed" them in a sense.. Like I killed your guy, now you've killed two of my bodyguards, so let's call it even.
