MovieChat Forums > Twelve Monkeys (1996) Discussion > She not talking to little Cole makes no ...

She not talking to little Cole makes no sense

She sees 'big Cole' die, but then her eyes fixate on the little Cole.

She clearly KNOWS.

So someone you love dies in front of your eyes, but then you spot a younger version of that someone (due to time travel), and what do you do? Just stare? WHAT?!

I mean, wouldn't you AT LEAST try to convince the young version of your beloved one to NOT do the things that lead to his death in front of his and her eyes?

Wouldn't the woman TALK to the little Cole, tell him the whole story (or at least relevant parts) to talk him out of it, so he doesn't die so tragically in the airport?

Wouldn't the Cole growing up then avoid doing criminal stuff so he doesn't end up in jail? Wouldn't he be able to at least tell the scientists or someone in the future the whole thing so they could send someone back in time to way before any of it happens, so they could easily prevent the virus and all?

I mean, this movie is based on predestination paradox, so anything that happens, just has to happen that way, so that everything else can also happen that way.

This means you can't really go and change the past, because any 'change' you make, only ensures the future happens exactly the way it always did.

However, if I had this kind of MASSIVE opportunity to change the future, and thus the past and therefore the present, to prevent my loved one from being SHOT, I would definitely take it. Wouldn't you? Why doesn't she?

Why wouldn't she just kindly ask the parents if she can talk to their son about something very important, then take him aside and give him information that would change the future for the better?

It makes no sense that she doesn't EVEN TRY. She would probably not succeed, but if little Cole is so mesmerized by 'her beauty' anyway, I think there would be some kind of a chance in her mind anyway.

Even when time travel movies utilize the most 'plausible' or at least 'easiest-to-get-right'-type paradox, they still end up making no sense...

I mean, the future scientists have no limit as to how many people they can send to how many different timezones. They can do it 'endlessly', right? So why stop there, why not send people to stop Cole from doing the stupid things and with the new knowledge about the virus, why not prevent the whole virus from even being manufactured, etc. etc. etc. and also, ETC.!!

There is a MYRIAD PLETHORA of endless possibilities, and they just send some hag to sit next to the virus guy in the airplane?! WHAT?

(As I mentioned before, the ARRANGEMENTS necessary for that, instead of waiting for him to come out of the airplane at his destination, or talking to him before he boards the plane, are INSANELY complicated and require tons and tons of effort for very little reward)

Too bad even this movie makes no sense..


"Why wouldn't she just kindly ask the parents if she can talk to their son about something very important, then take him aside and give him information that would change the future for the better?"

She is probably going to be taken into custody considering the circumstances and perhaps she does try to contact him later but we are not shown. She might also be concerned about getting away because she knows what was released.

"I mean, the future scientists have no limit as to how many people they can send to how many different timezones. They can do it 'endlessly', right? So why stop there, why not send people to stop Cole from doing the stupid things and with the new knowledge about the virus, why not prevent the whole virus from even being manufactured, etc. etc. etc. and also, ETC.!!"

They tried to send Jose back in time to get Cole to change the past but it didnt work. And then we are shown the scientist on the plane, so their plan must have reverted back to getting a sample of the original specimen. They still think the past cannot be changed even though it clearly can be and is with Cole.
What would happen to the scientists if Cole did change the past and stop the bad guy anyway? Would they disappear and reappear within a normal world? Would they still have memories of what happened or would Cole be the only one who knew what happened?
