Coloring Box

The best feature of this unusual Terry Gilliam sci-fi fantasy film is that it presents the psyche-euphoria notion that a complete outbreak or plague can confront us when we least expect it and draw out of us the human instinct to celebrate teamwork.

"12 Monkeys" (1995) reminds us of the hallucinatory qualities of those great fantasy indulgence H.G. Wells paranoia science-fiction novels.

This is an eccentric film and certainly not as appreciated as others like it such as Simon Wells' "The Time Machine" (2002) or Steven Spielberg's "War of the Worlds" (2005) --- both H.G. Wells novel adaptations.

However, "12 Monkeys" (1995) does manage to dramatize perception playfulness.



Saw it for the first time today, have to say it still stands tall 20 years on, with many similarities to the "present".

It is extremely underrated and a well thought out story, even if slightly predictable in today's age of movies. Watching it made me almost feel as if someone had travelled back in time from "now" to make it.. as crazy as that sounds I'm standing by it and can't wait to see more of the new series now.


Interesting observations.

It seems this board has picked up a bit. I wonder if it's because the T.V. show has sparked interest in the "old movie" it's based on.

I agree that the majority of the '95 film still looks contemporary, which is important in a time travel movie so that we can sympathize and identify with the characters. Except for the big old computer monitors and TVs, it still looks like today's world. Even a lot of the cars and fashions are not too far off. It's just another element that made it a great film.

I do think Terry Gilliam's storytelling is what makes it just a tad strange for today's generation.

But, newbies should watch it a few more times and it'll grow on you. As I said, it's why this board is still pretty active, 20 years after the thing was made!

Fan Fic "12 Monkeys" Trilogy of Sequels (not remakes)

