Terminator movie in disguise
Last night I saw "Twelve monkeys" for the first time even though I 've planned to see it for a long time. I must say it's one of the best movies I've seen in many years, but did you notice how much it resembles "Terminator"? Essentially they're like twin movies:
- James Cole is Kyle Reese, Kathryn Railly is Sarah Connor
- protagonist is sent to the past to avoid the future fate: virus infection in "Twelve monkeys", war against machines in "Terminator"
- time travel results in infinite time loop with unalterable past and unavoidable future
- James in the hospital questioned by doctors / Kyle interrogated at a police station
- in "Terminator" all time travellers are nude upon arrival at a new timeline and so is James in "Twelve monkeys", at least after his two travels - to 1990 and World War I times.