Yes, the ending was insane but the plot (or script) was bad anyway. There was little doubt who the murderer was, since all but one of the male characters were too weakly developed to turn out to be the villain. Mary lacked plausibility as a character. Other than the rather unlikely wish to become some Nancy Drew, she fell in love with Tony a little too easily. It was quite unbelievable that she continued to delude herself even after finding the bottle of cleaners and the blue Malibu. Of course, it might still turn out that the killer was someone else, but then the film would have to resort to even more contrived explanations.
The ending was completely predictable. It was clear that the black dude had to play a role at the end, but he wouldn't be able to save Mary since there was a machine for breaking glass and someone had to fall into it.
The Alicia character becoming a cop in uniform at the end was also far-fetched. She liked to play Nancy Drew and admittedly showed good analytical skills in solving the puzzles, but there was little indication in the film that she had the physical (perhaps also mental) toughness to be a female cop.