MovieChat Forums > Tommy Boy (1995) Discussion > Question About The Tommy Boy Blu-Ray

Question About The Tommy Boy Blu-Ray

Can anyone tell me with absolute certainty whether or not the "Holy Schnike Edition" of this film is the theatrical version? I'm asking because I'm just now starting to go through and pick up my favorite films on Blu-Ray, but ONLY if they represent the original theatrical versions of the films. Thus far, the issue I'm running into is that 90% of the films I want are not yet available on Blu-Ray and the ones that are are all "Special Editions" and not the "real" movie. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Proud To Follow The Lord, Jesus Christ


If you're still interested I just picked this up on BD today and as far as I know there has never been a non-theatrical version released on DVD or VHS. Just because it's called a "special edition" doesn't mean the film has been touched. Usually a "special edition" DVD or BD is just called that because of special features. The Holy Schnike Edition DVD is the theatrical cut as is the BD.

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!
