Character Flaw

The characters are not people, they are extended jokes. Since when do Drag Queens remain in Drag all the time. Those are transvestites. Drag is meant to be an outfit, a get-up in which the man remains plainly and obviously, still a man.

'There is no spoon.'



There wouldn't be a movie in which drag queens remain in drag for it's entirety. Yes, pattyanne1000, that is quite obvious. They could, you know, maybe change the theme to transvestites or transsexuals or perhaps just gay men? I mean it's such a ridiculous plot hole for a movie centered around the topic that it's almost laughable. Actually, it is laughable. This movie should have never been made; the only view into alternative lifestyles provided is completely sexist.

"Do you think that's air you're breathing now?"


The characters themselves are not PLOTS so how can they be plot holes? Sexist is "Knocked up," "To Wong foo" isn't sexist. The only reason that you're here trying DESPERATELY to criticise this movie is because you hate one of the main actors, so the only thing laughable here is you. You're extremely transparent. With the vast array of TERRIBLE movies and actors that you enjoy, you don't exactly have much room to talk about what good acting is. Anyone that thinks that Clint "I play the same part in every lousy movie I'm in" Eastwood is even a GOOD actor needs a reality check. You're also a POS to actually be CELEBRATING a man's death. Grow the *beep* up, uneducated child.

If they needed a fecal 'transplant,' just feed 'em one of the "Grey's Anatomy" scripts.


First, it IS a plot hole for the characters to be regarded as females, despite being drag queens. As previously stated, drag is a costume to be worn out for a night, a get up, nothing more. While men dress up in drag, they still visibly remain men, and not women. That is the very definition of a plot hole inherent in the movie's storyline. Second, the movie is completely and, obviously, sexist. The characters come to this small town and teach the wife-abusing men how to show respect by beating them up and solve all the women's problems by giving them self-esteem inducing makeovers. Men are villains and get violence; women are victims and get pampering. And, of course, the gays earn the right to be "fabulous." Nothing could possibly be more sexist. And lastly, third, when did I say Clint was a good actor? I largely disliked Gran Torino, stating only that Eastwood was okay in relation to the other pathetic performances in the movie.

Also, I'd love for you to point out which of my movies are 'terrible?'

'Existence is random. Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long.'





I disagree.

'Existence is random. Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long.'


Dude, you are just...this has to be my shortest and rudest post, but for someone like you I'll make an are simply just an idiot.

Sorry, no animals in the discussion hall. You have to dismount your high horse to participate.


Wow, are you slow. This was part of the joke, part of the movie..the idea that these "middle american, small dust bowl town folk" didn't know much about drag queens, etc., and if they saw one, might not even consider it. That was part of the joke. And the fact that most viewers actually thought Leguizamo was a female, and had no idea it was him until they saw the credits or looked it up on the computer shows you that the only one that was super obvioulsy a man was Snipes, but again, that was part of the joke. Sorry you didn't get it, but people like you don't. You're just way too full of yourself, thinking you are some kind of intellectual, and professional movie critic, because of said self-believed intellect, to just chill, suspend disbelief, and enjoy a damn funny movie. You take yourself too seriously, which is not only obvious, but also a large understatement.

Now, as far as your statement "while men dress up in drag, they still visibly remain men, and not women" goes, I don't think anyone knows what the hell you are trying to say. That they dress up in drag but don't put make-up on, shave their legs, create fake cleavage and actually try to look like women, but still "visibly remain men?" If that's what you mean, well, that right there is enough to discredit everything else you've written.

If you are simply complaining that they stayed in drag throughout the movie, I pretty much agree with what another poster posted, with some additional thought. It makes sense that maybe they were stay in drag as they were treating this as some kind of "drag crusade" in going to the "drag queen of America" pageant, and on top of that, trying to "teach" Chi-Chi had to "be a drag queen" The other part of it is the fact that it was a vital part of the humor involved, with a lot of the histerical lines and references that you are probably too unknowledgeable to catch. If they weren't in drag the entire time, how funny would the movie be?

Your problem is, like I said before: you take yourself too seriously and you think too much of yourself. I dont see how people like you watch movies at all when you are so highly involved in critiquing them than rather just suspending disbelief for awhile and trying to just enjoy the damn movie. Geez.

Sorry, no animals in the discussion hall. You have to dismount your high horse to participate.


Why does everything need a label? Why can't the movie just be enjoyed. Who cares what they call themselves?





I thought They were in drag for the trip to claim their prize as reigning drag queen it was a uniform for their voyage which would be like 3 days. like when miss america wears her sash on tour.
I don't know why they kept it up in private or in the town.


They just wanted to drive across country in drag...just having fun. It's really not a big deal. They arrive in town as women so they have to keep dressing as women in order to avoid any, what they fear, prejudice.

Dammit Carol Sue, where is the vodka?!


You explained it very well.. seems simple to me.


This is exactly right. They were "stuck" staying in drag while they were in town.


Drag queens remain in drag all the time when they're gay men who feel more comfortable as women than as men. They were all obviously more than just drag queens, they liked men, they referred to themselves as fairies, etc etc. I know many gay men who dress as women ALL the time, who refuse to dress in anything less than overly feminine, but when they're in drag queen mode they go ALL out.

You said "Drag is meant to be an outfit, a get-up in which the man remains plainly and obviously, still a man. " You're thinking 'old school' drag or just men in drag, a drag QUEEN is exactly as it's portrayed in the movie.


I have to agree with susan_mj. And one has to wonder if ANY of the people who agree with the OP even know any drag queens... I do, they are some of mine and my husbands closest and dearest friends. They love this movie as much as I do and think it's spot on. Some people just need to argue or put movies down just because THEY don't like them, not because their argument has substance.


apparently some people believe the 'rules' of drag queen life were supposed to be obeyed by the movie. I have no idea what the 'rules' are but we loved the movie. A lot of fun and mostly good feelings with little hatred and violence. The gay men I have known are very nice to women, so their being supportive of the women in town was not weird to me. Good movie all the way around and very far from a cliche. Good writing and many good characters.


They were in a small town where people thought they were women. It was best to keep up the look. Also it seemed that they didn't just dress in Drag for the competition but considered it a way of life. To be a Drag Queen was more than simply putting on the costume. Also, sho is to say that Transvestites or Transsexuals can't also be Drag Queens?

Come visit my


Well, most transvestites are heterosexual, often married. These characters would appear to be gay 'draq queens'. Their is a line in the movie where one of the characters describe the difference.

Most transgender people I know who have donned 'draq' for extended periods of time, are preparing for gender reassignment surgery. This doesn't appear to be the case here, but that may have been a change made for the benefit of a story.


It's just an assumption on my part, but I always figured they were fine with being men, but they loved to wear what society considers women's clothing, and so they wore it all of the time to go along with their fabulous, larger-than-life personalities.


-= J =-
