Dear Lord...amazing!

I remember back when this film came out, the clerk at the video shop recommended it very highly, but I didn't want to see it, and I believe that was the right decision, as I doubt I would have been able to appreciate it like I just did (saw it for the first time just now)..

This film is incredible...I had no idea Andy Garcia was such a good actor...especially the scene when he finally says goodbye to Dagney...the sheer impact of its simplicity is amazing. The cast in general is very good, and I have to say the film was refreshingly original (the only thing I actually anticipated was Mr Shh's death). Apart from that, this film has completely blown me away...I'm a convert.

I was truly blown away by it. thoughts?



There's alot I like about this movie. I loved it immediately and now own the DVD. It's got a great cast, Andy Garcia, Treat Williams, Gabrielle Anwar, Fairuza Balk, and they all jive together greatly. Christopher Walken played his usually great self as a quadraplegic mafia boss, and I was amused and yet frightened by his presence. Wheelchair bound, yes. Dangerous, HELL yes! Loved his little quips, like being 'crazier than a sh*thouse rat' and 'biting the pillow' remark to Andy Garcia. But when all goes wrong, we find how potent and dangerous he can be. "Buckwheats!" The term he used to describe the fate of Garcia and his accomplices. Also fitting in nicely with the plot is the Gabrielle Anwar/Andia Garcia love story. Who WOULDN'T fall in love with her at first sight? "You glide", says Garcia smoothly. But as much as one would want this to have a happy ending, it all falls terribly apart. Great casting, dialogue, drama, humor, love story and a sad ending all rolled into one. Think I'll dig up that DVD and watch it tonight.
Boat drinks!!


I must say, I'm gald to hear people giving this film the credit it deserves. It was an amazing movie that was sadly dismissed as a Pulp Fiction rip off. The writing, the direction, the cast... everything was near flawless in my opinion. For those of you who haven't seen it, watch it... it's the kind of movie that will both entertain you and make you stop and think about your life. What your "ten things are". Plus... it's FULL of great quotes lol. "Life is like a mustard burp, momentarily tangy, then forgotten in the air."

Anyway.... it's great to see some people actually given credit where credit is due. Boat Drinks!
