Pure and poetical like a good old classic
I simply love this movie. I guess those who compare it to "Pulp Fiction" aren´t as romantic or naive as I am. Not that I dislike PF, but beyond all the murders and violence this movie is a statement about love for life, how precious and fragile it is. It´s sad and heart warming at the same time. And some dialogues are more insightful than Tarantino could ever write. Like this one(copied from Memorable Quotes):
"Remember when you was a kid and you would spend the whole year waiting for summer vacation and when it finally came it would fly by just like that? It's funny, Jimmy, life has a way of flying by faster than any old summer vacation really *beep* does". Easy Winds.
I find it melancholic but very true as the years pass by. There´s another bit, when Jimmy translates an italian song to Dagney that´s also sublime. And many others. God, I wish there were more flicks like that.