Most Underrated Film on the IMDB

Can't believe this film has a 6.5 rating. I find the rating system extremely reliable to sort the good from the average from the poor. I wouldn't normally give a 6.5 rated film the time of day, but luckily I saw this before I checked the IMDB page. Just a little confused that people didn't like this film. it should at least have a rating over 7!

"Say hello to my little friend"


Definately a mid-7.


I could'nt agree with you more my friend! I am a huge movie fan, and when people inevitably ask me what my favourite movies are, after giving out the usual suspects, (Godfather, Cuckoos Nest, Heat etc.) as soon as I mention ...Denver, they look at me like I've got two heads! They haven't a clue what I'm talking about.
Seriously, anybody who loves movies should check this gem out. It's got everything, top cast, great acting, and one of the best scripts ever!
Finally, you wanna talk about movie bad guys? Hannibal Lecter? Leatherface? Michael Myers? No, no, no! Christopher Walken's The Man With The Plan beats them all hands down...


Top 250 at least.




I adore this movie. It was the first DVD I bought when I got a player back in 2000. I have never shown it to someone who didn't enjoy it, and just now & again I meet someone who has not only seen it already but adores it as much as me. I've even scored with ladies using Jimmy's lines! <embarrassed>

Boat Drinks.


- I've seen things you people wouldn't believe -


I found the script to be cliched and the overuse/misuse of tired street/prison slang to be kind of weak. I liked Andy Garcia's acting but the story was pretty lame and muddled. It was almost like two stories got into a car accident and were haphazardly put back together as one. A lot of the characters fell flat and the soundtrack was better suited for an 80's Eddie Murphy movie.

It had it's moments and there were lots of little gems in there (mostly great bits of acting not really connected to one another by story) but really- the story was fricken weak and the characters were cliched. my.02

Only the dead stay seventeen forever.


I think this film is underrated too. Many people wanted it to be super CLEVER like a Tarantino film and when it wasn't, they said it was a weak imitation. Give me a break.

A last note: The movie title dragged this movie down. It needed a much catchier name!!!


WHAT!?!?!? The movie title is so cooooooooooool! Great title!

Sorry for bad english, im danish!


I totally agree. Everything is in its place in this movie ! I wish it had a 7.8 average or such. I voted with a 10 to give it a slight bump :)


I gave this movie a 10 many years ago when I first watched it. I need to re-watch it as it's been so long, but I remember liking it like very few movies I've seen, it's one of those that I think about for days after watching it. Yet here in IMDb it has the same score as many, MUCH crappier movies. This is an EXCELLENT film in my book, I simply loved it.

I'm not innocent, but you're guilty.


I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be looking to some half-assed internet rating system to tell you what movies you should or shouldn't watch.

I'm not trying to be a dick about it, or anything, but I always thought that the fun in being a movie fan was in discovering films that are great first and foremost to you.

Half of the fun is in judging for yourself what's really good from what's really bad first, then comparing your opinions to that of others. Don't let anybody's rating system take that away from you.

If I were you, I would go back and look at those movies you may have arbitrarily crossed off your list, and take a closer look to see if you might actually want to check some of them out.

Even if you didn't like it, it may not necessarily be time ill-spent.
