If you like Quentin Tarantino movies

than you must see this one... I loved it, and personally think it's much better than all Tarantino movies combined. Why? The atmosphere I guess.



thats such an idiotic thing to say, i can definetley see the link that can be forged between QT and this film, i would definetley say this is a great film, and a resonably original storyline, also all the actors in it are great particularly willaim forsythe and christipher llyod!



i disagree, kill bill is a masterpiece of cinema, he has borrowed from all the films he loves, but at the same time he was able to make an original film in its own right, a great balls to the wall revenge film, and tarantino name checks everything that he borrows from, he wants u to know where he gets his ideas from so u can be just as excited by the films as he is!



For comments like that, people get hit with shovels!!!

Sure, it's an ok movie, but to compare it with QT's flicks you have to be REALLY high!


The links between this movie and Tarantino don't exist. If (and thats a big if) I really had to make comparisons it would only be genre based. So it's a gangster film, Tarantino isn't the only director to have ever used the gangster vehicle in which to use his unique style and story telling. Scorcese, Coppolla....do these names even exist in todays Tarantino-centric world of film criticism. Everyone's used ideas and styles from previously made films, it's been done for years, if you actually study film history rather than base all your judgements on films you've seen (which probably have all been made in the last 20-30 years) then you'll realise where great directors before Tarantino aqquired their knowledge. Post-Modernism and Intertextuality are ubiquitious in modern cinema...while Tarantino has been a breath of fresh air and made some of my own personnal favourite films of all time, not every film relates to him. And most certainly the hugely dissapointing Kill Bill franchise should not even be brought up in this discussion.
TTDIDWYD=fantastic film....just for once don't mention Tarantino.


Yeah. Besides, the script for TTDIDWYD was written in the 80s.


I thought this movie was just okay, Andy Garcia has never really worked for me in a leading man role. Good supporting actor though.

