MovieChat Forums > Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead (1995) Discussion > The meaning of "Give it a name&quot...

The meaning of "Give it a name"

There has been some speculation as to the meaning of this phrase on this board and else where. TTDIDWYD is one of my favorite movies and this phrase's meaning has never been in doubt to me, though i may be wrong. To me "Give it a name"is simply the habit in society to give creedance or legitimacy to something if it has a good name. "beating the crap out of your wife" has become "domestic abuse" and thus is able to take in millions a year to help fight it. Well this is what i think they are trying to get at. Boat drinks.


not my take people.

give it a name - i always thought it was somewhat dismissive, as in, 'call it what you want to call it, but it sucks'. loosely related to "if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it probably a duck."

by saying "give it a name" you are admitting that it sucks, but thinking, 'what's the point of analyzing it to come up with a precise term to define and thus understand it'. i.e. going after itty bitty titty, its wacked out. you can call it pedophilia, you can call it the frutrated sexual actions of a disturbed man, or any other number of things - but in the end, give it a name, and moreover, who cares what name you give it. i have better things to do with my time than to try to figure that out.

give it a name, it doesn't matter what you call it, stop searching for words, i get it.


Still a bit puzzled. But in the context of HOW it was used, and when, you could substitute I guess

"Ain't that the truth"
"You got that one right"

That kind of thing.


You got it!



The featurette on the DVD explains that "Give it a name" means "Tell it like it is" and that Boat Drinks is the idea of Heaven.


I don't know id any one else knows, but I beleive I have read this same line, 'givet it a name", in one of Stephen King's novels. I just can't recall which one. I took it to mean that when something is so meesed up or that it is way out of character and no one can explain what it is or why it happens, it's anyone's guess as to why it is so, hence give it a name. It's a great line as any I have heard and often use it.


I got the idea that it can be used in a lot of situations.
Just like Donnie Brasco's": "Fogetaboutit" ( Forget about it).

Opinions are like *beep* everybody has one.


Is the DVD for this easily found? I can't find it anywhere and I've been looking for years. Am I just blind?


Down in Denver, down in Denver
All I did was die

That's an excerpt from the book "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac and I have the feeling the title may have been derived from this short poem. Just a theory.


the title was derived from Warren Zevon's song.. but warren no doubt read "on the road" so you never know... can't ask him now anyway....



Echoes of a recent past


I was just listening to Mr. Bad Example today (the whole album, not just the song) by Warren Zevon today and Kerouac's words were mentioned in the liner notes.

Funny coincidence - for reasons I can't explain, I was jonesing to hear some Zevon this morning and grabbed Mr. Bad Example before I left for work, listened to it and spent a couple hours trying to remember the term "Buckwheats". Then I got home and was flipping through the crappy On Demand listings for something I hadn't seen (at least recently) and TTDIDWYD popped up.


'give it a name' is similar to 'fuhgetaboutit'...

-I'm The Police Chief, I Know Everything-

reply ,etc. it's all over the internet...


When a plan is made and accepted, you "give it a name". This is similar to "it's a deal", "put it in the books", "set in stone", "let it be written", and other terms describing finality of a plan or course of action. This of course is just my take on the phrase.


I gave this movie a name. "Cinematic Abortion!"

"You idiot, that's condensation. It's on the outside!"


Ladies and Gentleman, this raindog is innabreiated, you sir are a hard class Schmuck!


Why? Because I don't like a movie? Did I insult you personally? What's wrong with you? You resort to insults over the internet because I don't agree with you on a movie. They're doing wonders with psychotic drugs these days. Maybe you should look into them?


Its the Denver equivalent of "fuggedaboutit". Which has about 10 different meanings.
