MovieChat Forums > Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead (1995) Discussion > The Ending Was Phenemonal Becuase...(SPO...

The Ending Was Phenemonal Becuase...(SPOILERS )

...a lesser film would have sold out, and had Andy go in guns blazing. But no. They gave it this dramatic, semi-beatiful, emotional ending that is unlike any I have seen. And the best part is it's view: Hey, death ain't so bad, even if you're a buckwheat. The end isn't a downer in any way, too, which is kind of nice.


"You are the Duke of New York! You are A # 1!"



It's metaphorical for peace in the afterlife...I highly doubt that they meant that's what Heaven's like .

"You are the Duke of New York! You are A # 1!"




I disliked the 'boat drinks' scene at the end. It's like they just HAD to make it a somewhat happy ending. It looks tacked on.

"Open your eyes"


Yeah, a couple of people I know thought it meant he faked his death and was still alive.


Yeah, a couple of people I know thought it meant he faked his death and was still alive.

This confused me a bit too... I had to think back through the deaths of his friends to see if any ambiguity was implied.



The point of the last scene on the boat was not to "somehow" make a happy ending. It was about loyalty and friendship.

When the "action" gets botched, TMWTP summons Jimmy and tells him price of that failure would be the death of his crew. But Jimmy would be spared- as long as he left town and never came back. Then Jimmy lives through his friends being killed one by one. What we're supposed to see in the movie is Jimmy has a sense of moral code- he's fair, he's loyal, and he's generous. Jimmy knew he could never live with himself knowing that he led them into this situation that got them killed.

That's why he killed Bernard's son- to even the score with TMWTP and knowing that he would then be killed.

The last scene on the boat (it is the afterlife) is supposed to represent the loyalty of the friends- not one of them sold out on the others, and their friendship endured.


...such a good movie...

Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job to arrange the meeting


Do I have some weird alternate ending version or what??? I would get the whole boat drinks scene meaning Jimmy's in heaven, with his friends. What I don't get is seeing him walk into the diner AFTER seeing that scene. What does that scene mean??? I can't figure out if he's dead or not. I was hoping to see what everyone else thought but no one has mentioned him walking into the diner!


It is called a flashback to happier times.

Why is this so hard for people to understand?

Stick to Elementary films like "Road House" and "Walking Tall": Simple plot. Good guy wins. Nothing left to the imagination. (Oh, I forgot to mention, horrible movies)


What does the old guy say right before Jimmy walks into the dinner? I can't make him out. He says something like "Did I ever tell you about Jimmy The Saint". Then i can't work out what he says after that.


the ending was AMZAZING!!!!!! I WANT Boat Drinks!!!

Smirnoff- Double Black - Now and forever=One Damn fine Drink!
