so why'd he stay in denver?

After his friends get killed and after he's beaten up and after repeatedly being told to leave, he stays. He's very visible, too. He kinda accepts that the girl he's wanting to get with is seeing someone else, so it's not just her, is it? When he finds out the Mexican Assassins are coming up for him, he impregnates a woman, gives his ex a ring, kills child molestor dude, and creates a video for the son he thinks he'll have because he thinks he just impregnated the girl... why not use that time to get away? Or did he think he'd be chased down and killed for killing Bernard?

I dunno. I just don't think the film ever really answers why he stays in Denver. Even characters keep questioning it....

Shuji Terayama forever.


I was also wondering that,
after the cop pushed his buttons.
I thought he was going on a full scale revenge path.


He wanted to save Dagney and his team. And he took the blame for his team like a friends' friend - as well a catholic guilt complex. A part of the priest thing still within him. The video firm is so much like God's commandments transformed into real life.

He knew there was no point in killing Dagney once he was dead.


As stated in the very 1st 5 minutes by the old guy in the diner. Jimmy 'the saint' A REAL STAND UP GUY


He's dumb. If those morons - who HE recruited, wouldn't leave, that's their problem. Film didn't make sense. And I was glad when they all died as they were all stupid criminals and murderers.
