MovieChat Forums > Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead (1995) Discussion > I didn't like this movie - my reasons li...

I didn't like this movie - my reasons listed

Hey all,

Just going to list off why I wasn't really a fan of this film.

So... there were some things that just sort of ruined it for me.

1. The dialogue - some of it was just plain cringe-worthy; it was almost like they got too wordy while developing the script and instead of revising and rewriting certain scenes, they just stuck with it. The scenes where Andy Garcia was romancing the chick from the bar, some of that stuff sounded so unbelievably corny and awful that I just couldn't wait for those scenes to end.

2. Weird hand gestures. It would look like they would give each other a high five, but it was more like "Hey, let's press hands together like weird beatniks" I don't know how else to describe it, but it seemed *beep* up to me.

3. Mouthy kid standing up to (what could be) two police officers. I don't know if it's just me, but mouthing off to 2 cops isn't such a bright idea and it's very unlikely he's going to even suspect they weren't cops to begin with. Then the fact he was getting the crap kicked out of him, and he kept on insulting the guy. I'm not surprised they killed, like, come on, who does that. Not believable at all, especially since he had already taken a couple of beatings by that point.

4. Random prostitute chick who wants Andy Garcia's baby. So, she wants kids, but instead of looking for a relationship to have them with, she decides to use Andy Garcia as a sperm doner? Wtf is that, and what's worse is that he went along with it. It didn't even need to be IN the story, let alone the fact that near the end they actually showed her as physically pregnant. Completely irrelevant to the main story arch and I just found it downright stupid that they even bothered with all of that. Oh and what's the deal with him kicking the crap out of her client during his meeting at work, and how would she even know where he works to begin with. You'd have to be one giant moron to fill in a hooker as to what it is you do and where you do it. COME ON!!!! The guy even had a wife and kids for crying out loud, so why would you even take a chance to disclose any of that to someone who services you on the side. Oh and Andy Garcia already had the love interest hookup thing going on, so why did this chick even have a part in the story? totally pointless....

5. The heaven-themed boat ending, whatever you want to call it. Seriously, not necessary, I think they could have implied they were in a better place with that random video Andy Garcia made in that weird life lessons business thing he was running (an incredibly unrealistic business venture, like come the *beep* on.)

6. The engagement ring scene - Andy Garcia tries to give his love interest's fiance an engagement ring to give to her, basically making a giant ass out of himself, and causing unnecessary stress to the poor sap whose being cheated on. Like why...... I don't even........ I have no other words for this nonsense. Like, it's bad enough you're screwing around with another man's woman, but then you're going to barge into a public place and pressure her man to take a ring you bought for her? I'm surprised the guy didn't knock him out considering he just found out he was sleeping with her.

7. Steve Bushemi, hit-man who has super human strength and reflexes. I'm not even going to bother to really explain this one. It's over the top, and completely unrealistic. Also, the scene where psycho dude unloads a bunch of shotgun shells into him and yells "I am Godzilla and you are Japan!" They must have been ripped out of their minds to think that was a good line. So cheesy and desperate, that's when I knew this movie for sure was not good (at least to me.)

8. Why did they need 5 guys to scare off the boyfriend and why did Andy Garcia choose a bunch of dimwits to help him out? I'm sure a connected guy could have gotten some more organized and reliable help. I mean, doc-brown from back to the future? Wtf is that! and the other dude punching a dead body instead of a punching bag, yeah because you know, he needed a 'creative' outlet to express his anger or some garbage. Wow... medication could have worked, too.... but that would have been too simple of a plot device.

9. "Hey, you and your men screwed up, so we're going to kill you, but first, we will let you guys leave town because I don't know why." THEN he (Andy Garcia) goes back, not once, BUT TWICE! To reason with Walken for one of the dude's in the crew who just happens to have kids. First off, why didn't they just kill Andy Garcia right away to begin with, I mean, considering we're talking about criminals here, would it not make sense that they might (after being warned by Andy Garcia that they are going to be murdered) try and go after Christopher Walken as a protective action??? I mean, gang wars exist, they could just basically declared war on the one dude, and went after him but instead they just decide to linger and wait to be killed? I mean, at least take the damn opportunity and flee the country or state or whatever. WHICH WOULD NOT BE AN OPTION FOR MOST GUYS IN THIS SITUATION TO BEGIN WITH! Like, the writing is SO BAD I can't even understand the total absence of logic. It's just ridiculous overall.

10. The old dude half-narrating crap in that restaurant. Pointless dialogue that was not needed. Just another actor they had to pay to appear in the film.

11. The fact that the dude's son tried to like assault a minor in a playground for no reason at all other than he went off the deep-end from being dumped for another guy. Instead of just accepting that his son is messed up and needs therapy, he concocts this plan to get his son's ex back for him by scaring off the boyfriend by hiring Andy Garcia and his "crew." I mean, the girl screwed him over because she didn't love him. What would be the point if the plan even worked to begin with? She'd only go back for a short time and then leave him again most likely anyway. They should have just done the smart thing and used drugs as a plot device instead of this random drama.

Anyway, I think you all get my point. Agree or disagree if you want, this is just my two cents after viewing the movie for the first time.


Well said. I found this film to be deeply disappointing on so many levels. It was little more than a poorly written attempt at ripping off Tarantino.

Cringe-worthy dialogue. A badly plotted story that required constant explanatory voiceovers. Totally miscast actors including Garcia, who looks and acts at best like a mob attorney rather than leader of some bad-ass organized crime gang, and Steve Buschemi, of course. Yeah, cowardly Mr. Pink/meek Donnie is supposed to be believable as an unstoppable Robo-Terminator assassin. Ridiculously scripted action scenes. Characters who all do the stupidest thing imaginable when confronted with life or death adversity.

You want to know how bad this film is? Look at the cast of character names. Seriously? How many sleepless nights did the writers spend trying to think up "cool" gangster names? Did it ever occur to them that Jules, Vincent, Marsellus, Drexl and Virgil are just fine, too? That you only have to have one Wolf per film and you are ok?

"You didn't come into this life just to sit around on a dugout bench, did ya?"


I'll just assume you take this time for every film you don't like.

Sort of interesting. But, not anything I'd take the time to read.

I'll just put you on "vanished".

Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.


Wow, a little hostile much? I wasn't even attacking anyone in my review, just highlighting why I honestly didn't like it, and I am entitled to my opinion. Lighten up, dude...


While everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinions, I am just going to go out on a limb here and guess that the OP is quite young. Perhaps this film and the intricacies of its unique dialogue and subplots just don't speak to a younger audience (although I loved this film the first time I saw it when I was a teenager). Perhaps it's also a generational thing. Some movies don't continue to appeal to a wide audience as time progresses and technology changes etc. "I AM GODZILLA, YOU ARE JAPAN" is one of my all time favorite lines from any movie as is that entire scene. It just sounds to me that the OP would've stripped everything that makes this movie unique and multilayered in favor of a more generic B action movie format. I think it's meant to be theatrical and not to be taken so literally and dissected through a filter of complete reality. The old man is telling a glorified story and that's what makes this movie kind of magical. I certainly have never met anyone who dislikes this movie (especially the aforementioned scene/line) but to each his/her own. Just my 2 cents as well.


I can understand why you could feel I might be "too young to have enjoyed this." However, that's just not the case, I love plenty of older movies and I am definitely not a teenager, lol. I am not going to disclose my age, but let's just say that this is not a generational thing. We're talking about a 90's movie here.

I just feel like there were too many forced elements and I didn't feel that everything flowed too well together. I do understand the subtleties and intricacies of what was attempted, but I felt that the execution was too poor and too obvious. Oh well, we can simply agree to disagree, I guess.


Just read the title of your post. Didn't really care to read any further. Not sure why you would think that anyone really cares about your negative opinion.


Why did you bother to even post or click on my thread? Did you even read my review? I wasn't negative, I am simply criticizing what I think are weaknesses in the film. All you did was waste your time leaving a passive-aggressive post.


I'll list counterpoints so some of your points. I'm sure most of my responses will be of the "agree to disagree" variety:

1. I personally liked the dialogue. I thought it was well written.

2. The "old dude" you spoke about in your tenth point explains this. When you visit someone in jail, there is plexi-glass between you and the prisoner. So, if you had a buddy that was locked up, that was the closest to a handshake as you could get.

3. The mouthy kid was just stupid. It happens all the time, young punks screaming at cops and then crying brutality when they catch a beating.

4. Like you said, she was a prostitute. Not a profession conducive to healthy relationships. Most likely, Jimmy has been the only person to show her any kindness in her whole life.

5. If I had a terminal illness, I don't think it would be that bad of an idea to leave a videotape for my kids when they got older. And it was a plot device to get Jimmy back in the life.

6. He knew what was going to happen, and maybe he just wanted her to have somethinng of his.

7. Steve Buscemi probably wouldn't have been my first choice for that role, but, I don't get paid to cast people in films. Buscemi did have that creep factor that I thought he pulled off pretty well.

8. Jimmy had been out of the life for a while. He had probably lost a few connections over that time. And, there was a short time frame to get a team together and scare the boyfriend off before he and the girl got into Denver.

9. He only extended the offer for Jimmy to leave town, the rest of the crew had hits on them. That's why Jimmy went to each one trying to give them money to flee or hide. Walken said he and Jimmy went way back, and that was why he was willing to let Jimmy go.

10. The old dude offered a lot of exposition the move the plot along, and describe some of the mannerisms and terms that the gangsters used.

11.You speak as if gangsters take care of family problems in the same way that a normal middle class family in suburbia would. I thought it was a unique plot device to get the story going. Drugs as a reason to start a war have been overused in my opinion. I wish mainstream Hollywood would use unique ideas now, instead of constant reboots, remakes, and sequels. Even new titles aren't new, they are the same rehashed crap that has been seen a million times.

I just wanted to offer my two cents as well.


When movie hell is full, re-makes shall walk the earth.


Excellent counter post...The OP wouldn't know a good movie if it smacked him in the face.


Very very uncalled for. You're acting like as if I spat on your own flesh and blood. I have an opinion, and so do you. I am allowed to post my thoughts like any other. So respectfully, back off and grow up.


Thanks for the reply, Rex. While I didn't care for the movie, I do see where you are coming from and I can respect that :)

Agree to disagree on certain things, but you made some very good points that are at least valid and not full-on personal attacks on me like several other people did.

I guess we can chalk it up to the individual movie watcher if they enjoy the atmosphere this movie provides.


Yeah, that's what these forums are supposed to be for, rational discussion of movies. Don't mind the people that attack you. It's not personal, just some bored children (of all ages) that start arguments on the internet for fun.

Take care,


 When movie hell is full, re-makes shall walk the earth. 


I like the song by warren zevon though


Andy G played a socialpath... and in end got his girl whom he 'loved'.. killed in retaliation... He was a selfish scumbag..... ...
Only good thing in this movie where the redculous sayings.. 'buckwheat'.. what !!!and 99 other ones.. i've promised myself to see this flick again and write all the expressions donw and put on my voice mail... .
I laughed so hard I nearly passed out.. and my friend also...

Buckwheats and the oatmeal down by the river....


Don't feel bad. Took me nearly 20 years to actually get it.

It may grow on you.


I don't really think this is age-related, to be honest. I just didn't like the style of the movie. I get what they were trying to do, I just don't think it worked too well. Also, what's with the rabid fanboys on this particular movie's forum? Holy smokes, some over-zealous people on here ready to crucify me for not enjoying this movie much.


Your critics? Bugger 'em.

If we all agreed on everything this would be an even more maddeningly boring world. As to crucifixion, I seem to have misplaced my long nails so we'll have to make do with keyboards at ten paces.

My biggest reason for watching it more than once was all the (now mostly gone) local Denver color. Maybe that's just an excuse for my questionable taste in cinema but that's the way it worked out for me. Bottom line: It's a B-Movie; will never be anything else but it does have its moments. Who knows, if that was more obvious folks might take themselves less seriously in these threads.

Or not.



Amusing, since a majority of the film was shot in California.

As for those segments shot locally, I lived in Denver 1977-1990. There is nothing recognizable as local in the film as in my memory with the possible exception of the scene where they pull over the van. Even that was silly, since the fake cops and car had Denver markers and they were probably 25 miles from the city.

Some of that is probably due to the fact that Denver has never had a distinct local "flavor". Much of the metro area strongly resembles California anyway, they might as well have shot the whole thing there and saved the trouble.

"You didn't come into this life just to sit around on a dugout bench, did ya?"


Y'know, in the Great Scheme of Things, none of this matters. I've lived in Boulder/Denver and NoCO for going on 40 years now and I enjoyed it for the location, to say nothing of the cheesy acting, plot, and cinematography. It's a B-movie for pity's sake.

External cinema? No chance. The rest of it doesn't matter to anyone but individuals.

Bah, have a zany Zagmuk, a Merry Xmas, and happy holidays. Gimme your address and I'll send you a Critical Bill action figure.

Regardless, be well

I enjoyed the flic, thought it was a rather mutilated gem. You didn't. Rip it,
