William Forsythe overlooked....

There´´s so many great characters in this film;Jimmy the saint,The man with the plan,Bill,Mr. Schhh.....this film is on my top.30,i love it as much now,after 13 views as the first time. At least.

Forsythe doesn´t get to kick any ass or actually DO much(Jimmys plan is the films problem,even if he looks like a gangster,he should´ve let Franny be one of the cops)...but he has a mighty,grounded presence,he feels like a real person and maybe some are too used to see him play either psychotic scumbags or cliche cops but I liked this role and he is to me,the most realistic,relatable character in the film...

Plus,how he sees through Jimmy´s BS about Buckwheats(For a man who´s got a Buckwheats hit on him,Jimmy,you seem awfully relaxed in there,drinkin´a shake.)...but he just states the obvious,since he know this guy better then anyone and just let´s it go,"None of my business anyway."Don´t know if that´s true but...sortta noble and respectful.

Sure,Forsythe fakes his voice but it sounds cool and plus,the name Francis Chyser=Franchise? Forget about it,one of my fav names in cinema. He was not at all the most memorable character but his humble and lowkey presene helped ground the film in reality a bit for me.

His fate...OFF-SCREEN....both annoyed me and upset me,it was supposed to come outta left field,all though not the twist of the century. Walken and Garcia is best here,Buscemi does not fit to me as mr.Shhh,although he sold me on the turtle aspect....Williams has some truly great moments and some forced,too cartoonish moments but overall,a superb cast(Though Rhames or Whitaker would´ve been preferable to Bill Nunn). Thanks everybody....


I thought that Josh Charles was overlooked
