MovieChat Forums > Tank Girl (1995) Discussion > They don't make `em like this no more

They don't make `em like this no more

Movies like this just don't come into existence too often anymore. A sense of humor, a unique vision, a killer soundtrack, a blend between comic and action, a salacious and bawdy outlook... and even a song and dance number. I mean, will we ever see a movie like "Tank Girl" again?

God, I hope so.



I'm with you man, Pure fun...I want more movies like this to come back... Closest thing I've seen like this lately is Lockout.


Ahhh I miss the old days...


I hope so too.

I needed to cut myself a bit of slack so I watched this film again after a long spell. I couldn't believe how much I had forgotten or just didn't picked up beforehand like KANT, Iggy Pop and the mutant kangaroos.

For the record, I rate it 7/10. Would have given it a bit more if the director did a few more takes.


I totally agree.

I miss these quirky, totally out of left field movies and I keep looking out for appearance of the next one. The Hollywood movie business is so risk averse that the chances of anything purely fun with a decent cast like Tank Girl slipping through the cracks of the blockbuster system again are slim.

At best, we'll get a re-make in a few years. (rolling my eyes)


they unfortunately do.

