MovieChat Forums > Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight (1995) Discussion > i seen this movie when i was lil n it sc...

i seen this movie when i was lil n it scared the crap outa me

i saw this when i was five n this movie scared the crap outa me lol especially the scene when the lil kid turn all ugly like in the magazine.What ya sariest part?


when the hero and that chick are in the bedroom and she turns into a demon


ditto nick... this was actually my first r rated movie i ever(EVER), everyone was sayin go see interview with the vampire but i saw this one! saw it the other day too, so much nostalgiao to when i was in elementary school


i havent seen this mivie since i was like 9 but it scared the *beep* out of me then but i have to say the scariest part was when Danny turns into the monster thing after reading the comic book


I remember seeing this movie like 9-10 years ago, thankfully my neighbor was watching it with me so I didn't get too scared at the time (I was like 7 or 8).
I just saw it again today, almost forgot how great it was.


I was 15 and my dad had this and Bordello Of Blood on beta (talk about rare!) My scariest/goriest part was when they just arrested Brayker and thery're leaving with Collecter in front of a cop, he turns around and punches a hole through him. Ewww.



Yeah I was a kid too and I talked my dad into letting me see this. When Billy Zane punched through that guys head It was nothing like I had seen at that point in time. The kid freaked me out too because not many kids would die in movies, let alone a horror movie.

"I'm not interested in Saturn, I said Mars."


It is very scary when you watch it as a kid, the part when they're in the mines in particular. Pretty funny as well at times though, this film is underrated IMO.

"Enough of this cowboy s**t! You *beep* rodick podick well then there mother *beep*


Roach spits and then brayker says "Hey they hate that." Hysterical.

"I'm not interested in Saturn, I said Mars."



is this the one where the kid's mouth stretches wide open?

and also i remember a scene where someone or something was walking towards a crucified jesus?

is this the one?




When I first saw this, I never expected Billy Zane to be a demon. When he punched a hole through that guys face, I was scared *beep* throughout the rest of the movie.
