shame on me?

for not caring about the destruction of the planet && all of humanity..
but only focusing on how much i want the collector?? i would SO say yes if i were jeryline... as long as he stayed looking like billy zane. yummmmy.

am i the only one with a crush on the collector? lol.



Seeing how your decision would screw me over, yes shame on you.


Shame on both of us.
I would've spit the blood in his mouth. That way I could kiss him and kill him. 2 for 1.

My love is too delicate to have thrown back on my face


lol... sorry. guess im just a bad person.
but i thought it was soo cute when he said 'i know my mom && dad will just love you'.. TOO cute!

plus billy zane [pre-titanic] was just yummy.
loved it && loved him..
my bad..

and.. i dont know if i wouldve wanted to spit the blood in his mouth.. what if he was agood kisser and then i would be like... damn. i just killed a really hot demon who was a good kisser.




Billy Zane was hot in this, no question, but let's remember that he was The Collector, not himself. Therefore, you most likely would've turned into a fugly ass demon anyway.


but he could turn into billy zane... && if i turned into a fugly demon then i could most likely shape shift too... so i would just tell him to turn into sexy billy zane for naughty times//whenever he was home. and we would live happily ever after. :)

