Irene's Suspicions of Brayker

What Made Irene Call the police on Brayker? Also Irene and Deputy Bob Killed Themeselves With The Grenades Right?


You know, I've always wondered that myself...about the suicide, I mean. I think it was a tribute to Aliens but was it really necessary for them to do it? Maybe if both of them had broken legs or something...


When people face situations that require them to step up, they typically either run or stand and fight. I think both Bob and Irene realized that Braker's survival and the key staying free was way more important than their lives so they laid down their lives for the betterment of mankind.

As for Irene calling the police. You run an inn that's full of regular people that you've known for a long time and suddenly a new guy shows up flashing large amounts of cash.. Then you hear someone (a stranger) tried to steal a local's car and wouldn't you at some point make a connection there?



Well.... Brayker could have bought a car with all that dough man
