Well the Crypt Keeper only bookends the film, it's not like he is in the actual movie or they insert his segments throughout the movie. So you can just start watching at the beginning of the story, and stop watching before the prologue.
I don't think the Tales From The Crypt name cheapened its reputation, if anything it improved it. Where you thought it "sucked beyond compare", it was a very popular show. Had great ratings and reviews, celebrities were lining up to be appear on it or direct episodes, and it currently holds a higher rating than this movie for what its worth.
I'm not sure how many people would have gone to see it if it weren't associated with the series. I probably wouldn't have. I didn't even know what it was about when I walked into the theater, we were just going to see "the Tales From The Crypt movie". In reality, it was the movies that dragged down the reputation of the series, and not the other way around. While I love this movie, it wasn't well received and was considered inferior to the series. Bordello Of Blood pretty much put the nail in the coffin, Crypt Keeper style pun was definitely intended.
If it hadn't been for the Tales From The Crypt connection, Sadler and Zane might not have been attached, as they were likely there because of previous involvement/connection to the TV series, both having starred in episodes from the series. With Sadler being in two episodes (including the very first episode) and Zane being in one. Sadler's first episode ("The Man Who Was Death") and Zane's episode ("Well Cooked Hams") are probably my two favorites from the series, with "And All Through The House" (the one with the Santa/Axe Murderer) rounding out my Top 3.
"See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion" - Ben Richards