Street Fighter Power Levels

Anyone (mostly Street Fighter fans) could define the power levels of each fighter of the Street Fighter Saga. (or at least give it a try)

Based on the fact that the power level of a common person is 5


what is the maximum? 10? if yes, and a common person is 5, then all the sf2 characters are way above that. let's better say we choose between 1 and 10, and a common person is a 0.
I give Zangief a 6 then. And ChunLi a 7. Akuma of course is a 10, and E.Honda... well... I think a 6 also. Dhalsim will be a 5 (since we're talking about their power in the games, and not the actual spiritual power, ok?).

wow, it's harder than you think...


Let me explain...

There is no maximum (just like the power levels of the characters from dragon ball that are hugely debated on the dbz boards ), and in the term "Power Level" i am including every characteristics which makes a Warrior/Fighter (Speed, Force, Resistance,...), if you saw the Street Fighter 2 Animated Movie, you will notice that the cyborg (between fights, example: ryu vs sagat) analysis every fighter by this characteristics (and of course a lot others).

I just want you to convert all that valuables in to a single and global number(55, 66, 100, 233, 10000..............).

Based on the "assumed fact" (by me) that a common person´s power level (non-fighter) is 5


Ah, OK I see...

well then, lol, what a hillarious task. I'll try to keep it as realistic as possible then, meaning that extremly huge numbers such as 10000 will never be reached by anyone.
look: if a common person is 5, and one of the street fighters is 10000, than this means that this certain fighter is 2000times stronger than the normal person. and this is completely utopistic. then the street fighter could fight 1999 common persons and still win...
of course I remember the cyborg analysis. he gave Ryu about 3500, right? this of course is - following the above example - far too high as well.

I REALISTIC suggestion for Ryu's level in my opinion now could be: 110.

Having thrown this vague number out into space, I'm eager to hear other/more suggestions =)


i guess no one on this board has ever watched "Dragonball Z"

i would make a power level list for you guys.... but hold on a minute. I need to go outside for something........
i'll be back

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11


"i guess no one on this board has ever watched "Dragonball Z""

Wrong Thought. I watched it and re-watched it and re-watched it and......

I just thought it would be cool, to make the power levels for Street Fighter



Well according to Vegeta Ryu's power level is over nine thousandddddd!!!
