Why couldn't they...

Made the movie exactly like the games.

Start out with something interesting at the start intro.

And have a character fight through the world flying there in a plane.

Even use the same story, music(even have danger music when a fight is almost over), and have the losing fighter fight just like the games(Ryu constantley throwing fireballs)and have them shout re-used vocals and grunts.

And when a fighter loses the winner taunts him and then says something to him.
And the use the music used when a taunt happens at the end of a match when the other looks beat up.

Why couldn't they do this?

Like they say,Love Hurts!


I thought this movie's intro was awesome.



But still, they should have made it exactly like the games and not add in all this other crap.
And make them fight just the same as in the games.

Like they say,Love Hurts!


I know what you mean... I don't like that they always have to add these sort of crime stories to a martial arts background story (just like for example in ALL the lame prequels from bloodsport).
but about the fighting, if they would have let them fight just like in the games, with same moves, sounds, poses, then there would have been no need for a movie at all! just playing the games would do.


I think they should make a movie sometime that was exactly like a video game.

Not Nesscesarily this, but any old random movie that acted and played out just like a video game and used video game-esque storyline and had music playing as people did some certain thing.

Like they say,Love Hurts!



Does anyone if this will be an anime or a movie with real actors?


Don't be silly, we need a plot to drive the film. Taunting? A bit childish don't you think. Plus, do people act...hang on, yeah they do. How silly.


That doesn't really sound like something that could capture one's interest for 90 minutes. Plot is a good thing. Uh, you could always just watch a friend play the video game if that's what you like to watch.

All the plot you need is that The Warriors have to "bop their way back to Coney." —alanmc1uk


Simple solution, son. Just play the frigging games instead.


I'm sorry but if you play the game you'll see that there is a plot if you finish it with specific characters. Bison takes over the world, Ryu wins the tournament and then wanders off again, Chun Li avenges her father, Guile wants revenge for bison killing his best friend, ETC.

The game is too random to be formed into a cohesive plot, and most of the points (Shadowlaw etc were all taken from the game in some way).

To be honest your idea of Street Fighter 2 would have sucked majorly sweaty monkey testicles.
