These little things...

Hi guys,
it doesn't happen often these days that someone comes up with "new stuff" related to this movie, but I noticed sth.
Before I tell you - YES I KNOW it is completely irrelevant, unimportant and means nothing. But being a fan of this movie I still wanna share it with you freaks out there... ^_^

At the opening fight, I stop motioned through the whole fight. They occasionally show these cyborg statistics, analysing the fighters. For Ryu, they give values for characteristics like "neuroreflex, perseverance, eyesight (Ryu's eyesight is stated quite bad btw!), muscles" and so on. Among these, they also give a value for "judgement". The thing is, they misspelled it, saying "judgment".
Well, sorry gentlemen, but that's it! Haha!
Have a nice weekend!


I just popped the disc in my disc drive on my computer and took a few photos with my cell phone, here are the results:
All Ryu's stats, for your viewing pleasure (apologies on quality of images, see above) - I did it in about 2 minutes in total. Yes, David is right, they did miss the "e" off "judgement" (see third link)

I was bored. Lol. - Gamer Card

reply seems incomprehensible that he could rank over threeeeeethousand!!!!!

Good job!


I didn't ask for your inept opinion, but I expect you to employ whatever means necessary to bring him here.

Or words to that effect... - Gamer Card


From wikipedia: In non-legal contexts, a judgment (American English) or judgement (British English) is a balanced weighing up of evidence preparatory to making a decision...

So it's not a mistake, just a difference of the english language..

edit: My region 2 dvd of Terminator 2 has the subtitle of Judgment day. So maybe Wiki got the American and British mixed up..

Elisha Cuthbert - Perfectness


Being not a native speaker, I am especially thankful for clearing this one up!
