What should I watch first?

A few years ago I saw the live action movie (yeah the terrible one), and this one. This is the one where Vega ambushed Chun Li in the shower, right? Lol, anyway, it's been a few years so I'm kinda hazy.

There seem to be a lot of Street Fighter animes out there, be they movies or tv series. I'm getting this movie and the "Street Fighter II: V" series. I'll also get the other ones if they somehow fit in and are worth watching.

My question is this. Take all the movies/series' of SF and put them together. In which order should I watch them? I want to get the whole story since there are a lot of things I don't get. What should I watch first?


Watch this first.

Several reasons:
- It was the first movie (animated or not) to be made
- This shows what was SF spirit until 1994 (after that Capcom messedup things)
- This movie focus on the events of SF1, SF2 and SSF2 (SSF2T was being planed at that time) and they tie characters' (very undeveloped) stories into a good movie without changing anything about them nor adding anything that might piss fans (and that's what I appreciate). Without altering or adding things to the characters (which was almost impossible since there was almost nothing at that time) they managed to create a good movie. It follows 100% the story of SF2 until 1994 (since after 1994 capcom retcon many aspects of SF story which was terrible.

Everything after this SFanimated movie failed in my opinion, even some games.
