What Happened?
I bought the DVD, released last year, and saw these scenes weren't in it.
-Ryu slides and uppercuts Sagat in the crotch, Ryu shouts "Bare Knuckle!!!", sagat shoots up in the air in a high pitched scream.
-When Ryu powers up a hadoken, a picture of young Ken(appearing just as in the flashbacks) sticking his finger in ryu's breasts with an ornery smile on his face and ryu with a shocked look on his face with his teeth stuck out, keeps flashing.
-When Chun-Li blows her cheeks in anger, we hear a ploomp noise and green fumes shoot up, then she lets out a releived smile and sigh.
After bison says "Even if you have to look in the depth of the himilayas" he sets there in complete silence with an evil frown for 5 seconds and then says "I gotta take a crap"
-After Sensai asks ryu what's beyond his fist, a picture pops up for 5 seconds of Ryu and Ken as children sitting at a table in front of a pink wall with flower designs on it and ken's grandma in a grey maid dress and white apron with pink designs on it and glasses and white hair pulled back in a bun is standing there on the far right of the screen smiling with a tray of cookies and ken and ryu are sitting together(ryu on the far left side of the screen and ken on the right)are sitting there smiling with mouths open and eyes closed(anime smiles), ryu is dumping his cookie in a glass of milk with his right hand and ken with his right hand is sort of holding it near ryu's head with milk dripping off. They are in small childsize outfits of what they wear when grown up, and ken has his long hair and ponytail but ryu still has his red headband. Ryu then stops what he's doing to look around then goes back and the flashback starts.
-In China after FeiLong says his so long line, a fat guy in a suit and tie, hat, and a hitler moustache comes near and shakes his head.
-In India after we see akuma, two children(boy and girl)barefoot and long red ragged dresses throw up, one after the other.
-After Ryu says "Poor little kid" Michael Jackson pops up in a white outfit and hat and in front of a dark room with flashy lights dancing and the beginning of Smooth Criminal plays on for 5 seconds.
-After bison tells to give view of vegas, we see chun-li driven back at the apartment, she waves at guile and goes inside to her room and into the bathroom, door shuts and we hear the lid open and we hear her pee.
-When we see the outside of Chun-Li's apartment, superman flys by.
-During the Chun-Li and Vega fight scene, Tom Joad comes in and attempts to help chun-li but ends up being thrown out of the door.
-When Ken is driving on the road and bison flys toward and ken notices, he stops his car and gets out, then bison's plane stops, and ken gets behind the car and pees, then he gets back in and starts it up and continues driving and bison's plane continues.
-When ryu climbs up the mountain, he slips and falls down, then the camera moves back to where it was and ryu is still there climbing.
-When bison is messing around with ryu giving ken the chance to gain his strength back and jump in, Ryu dashes towards bison with a punch ready, camera focuses on bison and he strips almost naked with pads and underwear on and ryu's face turns to shock and he ends up bumping into bison