Season/Episode/Movie order?
I remember watching these a little as a kid, before they suddenly disappeared and I couldn't find them anymore. I came across an episode online. Thank you, youtube! But I also tried to look on Netflix (which only had like, one season? And then a movie or two), and then on here, so I could watch them in order (the dubbed ones, I can't read subtitles or I start getting a headache). And between the different names of characters in the subbed/dubbed ones, some movies, episodes, and season names, I sort of got lost in figuring out the order of things. Call me confused.
Is there a good list of what to watch, in which order, where the movies come into play (between seasons, at the end, etc.), which seasons are named what, etc.?
I've watched a few dubbed episodes on youtube right now, I'm up to Season 1, episode 9 (only Mars and Mercury so far). But in looking ahead, some videos are labeled with Seasons 1, 2, 3, etc. with corresponding episode numbers, and some are like SuperS, or whatnot. And then the movies, and I'm not sure where they come into play.
And are all the seasons dubbed? Or are some seasons not dubbed, and ergo I'd have to handle the subtitles?
Thanks for helping a "newbie" re-connect with an old love!
You can call me Kate...