MovieChat Forums > Sailor Moon (1995) Discussion > New Sailor Moon Anime to Stream Worldwid...

New Sailor Moon Anime to Stream Worldwide This Winter to-stream-worldwide-this-winter

RIP Cory Monteith your fans miss you dearly


All I can say is *beep* yeah. Hopefully they dont pull the rug out from under us this time.

RIP Cory Monteith your fans miss you dearly

reply gin-airing-this-winter-on-niconico/

We waited all until August to - well - wait some more, all until Winter to find out something more about the anime. Not much was said at the press conference today, but for the first time they at least confirmed a new anime.

Not much else was learned aside from it being based on the old anime but not being a remake, which is fairly vague.

Indeed, fairly vague, though it is implied that it might either be based on the manga or on some new storyline (PGSM is a good example). I still don't get it, they are keeping all news from the new anime a bigger secret than Area 51, even the voice cast is unknown, but at least it is coming.

Another thing is puzzling for me, though. Why would they not broadcast the new anime on TV? Why stream it at Niconico, a Japanese streaming video service? Is this some kind of a new generation of streaming or what?


Is it not going to be broadcast on Japanese television? Also are we not getting it subbed?

RIP Cory Monteith your fans miss you dearly


Maybe they're going with a different animation company this time, Toei still owns the rights to Sailor moon, and I am suspecting that this will be just a short series to revive toy sales.


I guess it's finally happening...Kodansha apparently confirmed that the new anime will be aired in January 2014:


And yet we still haven't seen crap. Ughh I mean we are almost there already. I would not be surprised if they postponed it again and then started stuffing more merchandise down our throats.

RIP Cory Monteith your fans miss you dearly
