MovieChat Forums > Sailor Moon (1995) Discussion > Kodansha money hungry liars

Kodansha money hungry liars

I just wanted to say that it's kind of obvious now that Kodansha has been lying from the get go, there's no trailers, no original art from Toei. It seems very coincidental that they would propogate this huge lie along with their company re-releasing the Sailor Moon Manga. This is just a huge ploy to get people to buy more junk and comics, be warned people, you're makign this company very rich on something that was retired long ago. I mean, honestly, if Toei really thought that SM was going to make them more money they would have put it out years ago, or continued the series. I'm no longer investing my interest in this.....sadly


I have been saying it was a hoax from a very early stage. The sources were very shady and the news reports were all from blog sites that are kept up by nonprofit entities who don't really have the resources to actually look into something like this.

What you're saying, that it's just a ploy by Kodansha, makes a lot of sense. But I am still holding out hope. Just a month away, right?


I wouldn't call it a hoax but they are definitely stringing us along like mad. I hear that the wait is most likely Naoko's fault apparently her standards are very high and she wants it her way or the highway. That is just the rumors though. I mean It was supposed to be out soon so WTF? At this point it is for sure likely to be rescheduled again. I don't mean to speculate but *beep* how can I not. I don't understand why they won't be honest with us?

RIP Cory Monteith your fans miss you dearly


I thought the re-release of the manga happened way before the announcement though, like in 2011 the manga started being re-released. Maybe sales for the manga weren't doing so good, so they created this huge lie to boost up sales?

Ex-girlfriend, you can't have him!:


It looks like they didn't lie after all. The new anime will be coming out in July: by-toei-to-start-in-july

Ex-girlfriend, you can't have him!:


Which means they lied when they said it would be coming out in January. I gave them the benefit of the doubt twice now, but this is really smelling fishy.


"I've always admired atheists; I think it takes a lot of faith." -Dr. Joel Fleischman

