MovieChat Forums > Rob Roy (1995) Discussion > Why was Archie banned from England?

Why was Archie banned from England?

Just saw the movie finally, liked it, thought it was a very realistic time period piece. Anyway, Archie constantly talks about being sent to Scotland from England against his will and wanting to go back. But unless I missed it he never says why. They said it was to help his ill blood or something, and then they joke about it was for "buggering" boys, but I didn't hear a serious reason ever given. Why was Archie forced to go Scotland?


One reason had to be that he was financially broke. (Montrose rubs this in when Archie's clothing bills start arriving!)

As for other reasons, look at Archie's personality. It wouldn't surprise me if he had gotten into trouble in a variety of ways!


So I'm supposed to assume that Archie was banned because he was a creep? Yet, because his blood line he still was taken care of by royalty? That's asking the audience to make a lot of assumptions in my opinion. But, it's not exactly important to the story anyway and doesn't ruin anything. I was just curious as if it was mentioned why.
