Tim Roth

I thought and still think that Tim Roth plays one of the most ruthless, evil villans in any movie of all time.


I have to agree. He is brilliantly evil in this.



I totaly agree. He is one of the best. His feminen jestures, his looks. He is just GREAT!


Bob Hoskins in Othello and Geoffery Rush as Javier. both of those were crazy good (evil).


One of his best performances.




And also Gary Oldman in Leon, bit of a psychotic tendency trend amongst them, Roth WAS awesome.
life is funny, but not ha ha funny, peculiar I guess.


And the best of the worst... Daniel Day-Lewis as Bill the Butcher in "Gangs of New York"!


Vincent Cassel's despicable character in "Derailed"


Totally disagree....Daniel Day-Lewis as Bill the Butcher is by far one of the best villains, because you begin to love him....that's true villainy....


I agree with virtually everything I've read so far.

You guys nailed a bunch of excellent perfomances of evil.

Yeah- Roth's Archibald Cunningham was superb- the guy's an amazing actor.

"There is no such thing as coincidence, just the illusion of coincidence."




What was interesting about Cunningham was that Roth evinced some vulnerability and humanity in him as well (think of the intimate talk between him and Betty) and I got the impression with the "At least you'll have a name to give" scene that Archie believes he's actually doing Betty a favor by jettisoning her.

The Voices are back... excellent.--Dexter


SpookiMonkey -

What was interesting about Cunningham was that Roth evinced some vulnerability and humanity in him as well (think of the intimate talk between him and Betty) and I got the impression with the "At least you'll have a name to give" scene that Archie believes he's actually doing Betty a favor by jettisoning her.

I agree. Despite being genuinely evil - the looks he gives to the young black servant are probably the scariest part of the film! - he is never one-dimensional. Roth also managed this trick with his character in "Made In Britain," who despite being an arrogant violent racist and pain in the backside (who never repents for a second) still manages to show that he is a deeply unhappy and vulnerable person. He's never sympathetic in any way, but he's not a cardboard cut-out either. That must take great skill to pull off.


I love him :-D


He was also very good at being bad as Thade in Planet of the Apes. Only there his anger is unbridled as opposed to here. A great actor he is.

"The King wore enough clothes for both of us." Mohandes Ghandi



Yeah Tim is great at playing villains !.He's also good at comedy too, such as in the film " Four rooms ".

" Rob roy " was the first film i ever saw him in, about ten years ago, i think, and then i didn't see him in anything else for some reason until i saw him in " Murder in the heartland ", a couple of years ago, and I didn't even realize at first that it was the same person !. He does a very convincing American accent in " Murder in the heartland ".So, i have only recently become a fan of his, as i have seen more of his films lately after seeing " Murder in the heartland ".I've watched " Rob Roy " again more recently too.He scared me when i first saw it, and i wasn't really a fan then.
