MovieChat Forums > Rob Roy (1995) Discussion > Too quick and painless

Too quick and painless

Persons like Archibald Cunningham are why I do not believe in the 8th Amendment, why I believe in torture and mutilation. So much of humanity deserves only inhumanity.
Anyway Cunningham died too quickly. He needed to suffer. Think Reservoir Dogs, or Hostel. He needed to KNOW what pain and horror are.


I disagree. Torturing or causing pain in any creature affects the person doing the torturing. They turn into an ugly creature themselves. Best (if you're going to execute) just a quick clean execution and get on with your life.



What a disgusting personality you have.


I agree .


I'd like a chance t' shoot at an educated man once in my life .


With whom?


With you ... he died way to quickly .


I'd like a chance t' shoot at an educated man once in my life .


I disagree I believe Cunningham's end came as it should. Roth played him to perfection and his arrogance and over confidence as a swordsman became his undoing. Roy could not live knowing what Cunningham had done to his beloved Mary (aka Lange). The scene was over played and neither character fought to near exhaustion. It was carelessness on Cunningham that proved fatal.


LOL what a loser statement. it's fiction loosely based on fact. If that makes you believe it's ok to torture people, you are a nutcase.


Rob Roy had the heavier weapon. I thought it was always likely his coup de grace would be a single one.🐭


Persons like Archibald Cunningham are why I do not believe in the 8th Amendment, why I believe in torture and mutilation.

Persons like you are why I'm glad we have the 8th Amendment. Just look at all the cases that have been turned over due to DNA testing.

Better 100 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man be punished.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


Better 100 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man be punished.




Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


No. Let me put it this is way. Assign an "injustice score" based on wrongly convicted and victims of violent crimes and their surviving crime. Even if you give the latter just a two or three, their total sum of human suffering is far more if an overly lenient or excessively cautious judicial system wrongly frees violent criminals out of fear of that one in a hundred wrongly convicted person.

That whole liberal mantra you spout is just the worst sort of tired, inane b u 1 1 s h 1 t imaginable.


No. Better to let the guilty go free than punish the innocent. Always.

It's not liberal. It's just common sense. And it'd be worse if we tortured.




Then you volunteer to be executed for a crime you're innocent of.

People so quick to let others suffer injustice......I'll believe you when you're the one wrongfully convicted and spending the rest of your life in prison or on Death Row but you quietly accept it without a murmur because you believe that you, an innocent person, should be there rather than letting a guilty man go free.

Not sure what kind of internet access there is in prison, but once you're in there, get word to me.


I agree. Too often sadistic villains who inflict enormous pain and suffering to multiple innocents are relieved of this life in all too swift a fashion.

Villains need to suffer in proportion to the suffering they have inflicted. Steven Seagal tends to dish out appropriate punishments. In Marked For Death he beats Screwface in a swordfight, then squashed his eyes into his skull, throws him through a wall, snaps his spine over his knee, then tosses him down a lift shaft impaling him on the machinery below. It’s brutal, humiliating, and at least scratches the surface of what he deserved.

Tim Roth got cleaved down the collar bone and died quickly. Not good enough - the guy raped Rob’s wife, shot his cattle and gunned down various other clansmen. Therefore, he needed his genitals cut off, his eyes plucked out and his tongue cut off AT LEAST, and left to live, suffer and eventually starve over the course of months. That would at least start to approach justice.
