We watched this movie last night. When the credits rolled, it said Bruce Campbell, wedding shemp. Well two of us missed him? Was the scene deleted? Could somebody tell me so I could rewatch the appropriate scene? I am such a Deadite.
The Quick and the Dead even managed to torment me. I came to visit Sam on the set when I had just a few days off the Brisco shoot --- all I wanted to do was hang out behind the monitor with Sam and crack jokes, but he had other ideas.
The minute he saw me arrive on set, his face lit up --- it wasn't that he was glad to see me, it's just that I represented a solution to his current problem.
Sam: Come here, you, I'm gonna put you in this film. Bruce: No, really, Sam --- I just want to --- Sam: Shut up and come with me.
Sam dragged me to the wardrobe trailer and shoved me in.
Sam: Hey, gals, I'd like you to make this guy look like a loser --- like he used to be rich, but now he's a nobody. Make the clothes dirty and rotting a little bit.
When I was done with the impromptu fitting, Sam pushed me into the makeup trailer.
Bruce: Sam, this is great, but --- Sam: Shut up. Mike, make this guy look like a bum --- like he's got some horrible disease. Give him a sore on his lip and everything. Bruce: Oh, Sam, I don't --- Sam: Shut up, it'll be great. See you out there...
About a half hour later, an assistant director came to find me.
"They're ready to shoot with you now, Bruce."
"Shoot? Shoot what?"
Only Sam knew for sure --- it turned out that he didn't need me to help plug some hole in his plot, he needed me to help him shut an actor up. Pat Hingle, a great character actor for forty years, had been pestering Sam about why his character never got revenge on the pimp who sold his daughter. Sam never had an answer for him --- until I showed up.
Sam: Okay now Pat, this guy here is going to come up to your daughter and say, "Come on, girlie girl, you and me are gonna do the devil's dance." Bruce: I am? Sam: Quiet, mister. So Pat, you see this happening, and before this horrible guy can do anything else, you jump in there and save your daughter. Pat: So, I should rough him up a little? Sam: A little? Hell, you'd be pissed. Don't worry about this guy, he's like a stuntman, you can do anything you want. I think you should choke him actually. Pat: Maybe I could throw an arm around his neck from behind. Sam: Yeah, that's great! Then you throw him down the street and kick him one last time in the ass. Pat: Okay, sounds good, Sam. Bruce: Hey, Sam, could I ask a question? Where is my character coming from? Should I come from over there?
Sam took this opportunity to humiliate me in front of the entire crew.
Sam: Oh, so Bruce has questions. Well, maybe we should all just wait while we answer every one to your satisfaction. Bruce: Well, Sam all I --- Sam: You'll stand where I tell you to stand, mister --- you'll say what I tell you to say --- you'll do what I tell you to do. Bruce: Okay, Sam, whatever...
After numerous takes of this rough encounter, Pat Hingle seemed pleased. As he walked away a happy camper, Sam approached me.
Sam: Thanks for your help, buddy --- that scene will never see the light of day...
My guess is if Bruce wasn't seen anywhere in the movie, then Sam at least did him this one favor and credited him for the fact that he did show up and take a lot of his abuse.
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