Eddie Vedder?

OK that was Eddie Vedder as Johnny right?

He looked kinda young to be Eddie in 1995... but still a dead ringer.

I can't find him listed in the credits (I don't see Johnny listed at all... maybe I missed it?) I looked up Eddie Vedder and I even tried to google it but couldn't find anything about Eddie being in this movie.

However, I did notice something kind of ironic... he was playing a guy who was bullying a dude named Jeremy. Now the song came out after the movie so I don't know if that was just coincidence or what.
The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another


Ok, just so I feel dumb, I JUST found the listing for John, played by "Bradford Tatum" don't know him but DAMN!

Stand by the irony.
The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another



Ummmm... sorry to burst your bubble, but "Jeremy" was released long before Powder was made... in fact, it won MTV Video of the Year in 1993... two years before Powder was released.

I wish I were a Warhol silk screen hanging on the wall...
