MovieChat Forums > Powder (1995) Discussion > Final 2 min of the film

Final 2 min of the film

In he last scene of the movie Powder dissipates into energy and spreads across the field energizing the four people chasing him.

I had a thought that the direct contact with his energy evolved them closer to his state of being. Thats why the deputy was just looking at the sky in awe. The teacher was feeling something good. Jesse just seemed like she could feel him. The Sheriff seemed as if he could feel his wife or something cause he broke out crying, the ending always gets to me.

Habataitara modorenai to itte
Mezashi-ta no wa aoi aoi ano sora


I thought that scene was so cool to.
It gets you to think what if we could use all of our brain like that.
I wonder what it must be like to transform into pure energy like that?
Powder is awesome.
Plus he had a really nice body, I though he was very cute, and he was sweet and real. Bless his heart.


You're so right, shane...What I wouldn't give for a shot of that energy & life & awareness of the cosmos coursing through me. I don't think it would ever wear off!


I didn't realize any of that thanks so much for the insight.


I wonder if anyone has a clip of this up.


I think a couple things here. I think it's an interpretation of not giving into the world and it's hostility/collective frustration, but keeping his innocence and love. I also think he had seen enough of the world and just wanted to be free from it... but at the same time he realize that he had made a tremendous impact on enough people that would spark a big change. It's amazing what kind of impact a person can have a just a short amount of time... but it was enough to completely reshape how men deeply embedded in their ways (sheriff/deputy) saw the world. I also think with his grandparents gone and the house about to be seized, he had nowhere to call home... so he went back to the home that we will all go to eventually.

I am not sure what kind of a charge he gave them at the end there. I don't know enough about electricity (or whatever that was) to give an educated enough opinion, but getting hit by something like that will surely wake someone up.

"You've Got to Keep Your Mind Wide Open" - AnnaSophia Robb
