Expected more

I don't know what in particular but something was not right with this movie. I don't mean the script but the way it is put together. It's in way calustrophobic and shot as if a tv movie for some history chanel or something. Also, Hopkins is a baaad choice. He is not Nixon and I had trouble relating with the character.


if it was a tv movie it was great.

If it was like a history channel then better because we are after watching a high budget bio-epic.

Nobody here thinks he was a bad choice and most found Hopkin's Nixon sympathetic. Some have mentioned a few watch are required.


It's an interesting film. Stone was remarkably restrained in slinging about the conspiracy theories (though the film does hint Nixon knew something about the murder of JFK).


Who cares? I am sure he did. Wouldve it made any difference? Its not like he personally had anything to do with it. I liked how in the film it was lightly touched on it and it wasnt the WHOLE damn film like JFK which was barely about JFK at all.

He touched upon many other great interesting conspiracy in the film, some even in the deleted scenes. There is no doubt Nixon was one of the most interesting man the planet ever seen.


I think the deleted scene at the CIA headquarters is better than anything in the rest of the movie.



You gotta watch this movie again. Its great. Still today I find a lot of the things taught in it useful and relevant!
