MovieChat Forums > Nixon (1996) Discussion > Time for a New Nixon Film?

Time for a New Nixon Film?

There are new discoveries that show Nixon was far worse then depicted, in his shadowy actions that still reverberate today.

His culture of mistrust, paranoia, and secrecy. Warmongering, insecurities, and brash decisions. Pandering to anyone who would give him power, prestige, feeling of self-worth. Any of this ring a bell to politicians and actions of today?

His Southern strategy and furthering of racism after the advancements of the 1960's. Is still being felt today where the Republican party became the home to many white nationalists, which perhaps is why some drumpf like Trump is the parties the year 2016!

Its also been known from the releasing of LBJ's tapes, that Nixon deliberately sabotaged the 1968 peace talks in Paris in order for him to get elected president and eventually credit (and admiration) for ending the war. This was treason and also a war crime for all the dead in the 1970's continuation of the war. The genocide going on in other countries after everything was toppled, and the quick pull out of American troops without some restoration of some type of governments.

This is what is known and can be find with a few minutes of research. I bet a seasoned director could dig up more, since this man had some graveyards of skeletons. So how bout a darker, modern Nixon film that showed the man his true colors. And that should serve as a warning that we can never let a man like that as president again.

Picks to play him: Mark Rylance, Gary Oldman, Gary Sinise, ?



Watergate, the "Southern Strategy", the Anna Chennault connection in the 1968 campaign, the genocide in SE Asia following US withdrawal... All of these things were known and widely discussed in the years prior to the production (1994/95) of Oliver Stone's film about Nixon.

Plus, just from a purely financial standpoint, it's difficult to envision anyone in Hollywodd investing the kind of $$$ that would be necessary to get a film with the overall topic of "The Dark Side of Richard Nixon" off the ground. He's been off the stage for so long, a lot of younger people simply have no idea who he was anymore. You can mention the name "Richard Nixon" to someone born ca. 1995 and the only response you get is "he was a president".


He's been off the stage for so long, a lot of younger people simply have no idea who he was anymore. You can mention the name "Richard Nixon" to someone born ca. 1995 and the only response you get is "he was a president".

You could have made the same objection to the making of the film Gandhi!
If people don't know who Nixon is, the film will teach them!


You're right in a way, but, the film Ghandi is made. In other words the information is out there if people want to find out about it, but I don't think a new Nixon film would appeal to the Harry Potter generation in large numbers. Unfortunately, films that inspire thought are few and far between.


Liev Schreiber perhaps?
